Your words

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Words from my mouth start to pour
like falling rain,
These words start to scatter and
become hard to explain,
Then there's a clash of thunder
that falls from your lips,
These words that you say are
as clear as a summer's day,
Those words could grab the attention
of an entire room,
Then all of a sudden you wrapped your
hands around my heart causing it to boom,
You know that those words grab
my attention in an instant,
God you're so cute when you are so persistent,
You say you talk too much but I honestly couldn't get enough,
Your words fill the spaces in my brain,
I know it sounds insane,
Also your words just know how to
twist my stomach in a knot,
I'm not complaining I actually like it a lot,
But these words I've been trying
to form always seems to be changing,
But I would just like to say it was worth the two years of waiting

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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Aesthetic poems that I'll probably turn into songsWhere stories live. Discover now