Chapter 4<3 ---photo of Kristy---

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~Chapter 4~

Cameron’s POV

As I look at a sleeping Brooklyn all I can think about is how I want to stab that lousy prick. How dare he hurt Brooke! Yes I would much rather them not be together since we are mates and all, but that doesn’t mean I want her heartbroken. And how dare he make out with her friends! Fuck hes a prick!

Her face is all red and puffy from crying but shes still the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. I gently stand up and walk out of the janiters closest. I start walking to my car. As I am in the parking lot I see a girl pushed up against the car beside mine. The guy holding her there is kissing up her neck, hes wearing a varsity jacket it has ‘Lockem’ on the back of it with the number 14. what kind of last names Lockem.. meh whatever.

I walked over to the passenger side and put Brooke in. Than as im walking over to the drivers side I see that the girl is the one that was hugging and screaming with Brooke this morning… what was her name again ? Mindy? Morgan? Mandy! Yes it’s Mandy, I wonder who this ‘Lockem’ guy is… I’ll ask Brooklyn when she wakes up!


I got in the car and drove the 10miniute drive to my pack house. As I walked in with brooke in my arms I could smell my mom making brownies, so I ran upstairs and walked straight into my room. I gently placed her on my bed and grabbed a blanket and gently laid it on top of her. I took a step back and just admired her for a minute. She looked so tiny in my king sized bed.

Her dark brown hair was curled and spread out along the bed. Her mascara ran slightly so her under eye is a little dark, she has these light little freckles all across her face. I can tell she doesn’t use concealer because her face and neck are the exact same shade. She has her ears pierced twice. The first holes have dangly broken heart earrings in and the second has a red stud. Just as I was almost done admiring her my mom screamed at me through our mind link

~what are you doing home young man! School is not finished for another 2 hours! You think I wouldn’t smell you here? Come out of your room and get your ass in the kitchen. Now!~

Fuck. Ugh I kissed Brooklyn’s forehead and made my way out of the room and to the kitchen. When I walked in my mom was fuming, hands crossed across her chest.

“Mom calm down would you?” I asked as I made my way over to the fridge and grabbed a diet coke. I took I gulp and sat down on the stool for the island. She was still standing there with her arms crossed glaring at me.

“no I will not calm down. Jeeze Cameron you might be the Alpha but if you don’t have pack business to attend to you will stay in school the entire day! Do you think I’m an idiot?!”

“Okay My MATE had a panic attack and when she finally calmed down and fell asleep I didn’t want her to be on the janitor’s floor so I brought her here so she could have a nice bed to sleep on. My mate is more important than school!” I said anger in my voice that she was getting mad at me for doing the right thing.

“OH MY GOD! Your mate!?! You finally found her? Is she part of the pack? What does she look like? Wait! Why didn’t I smell her when she cam in with you? What’s her name? does she know she’s your mate?” My mom hurled question after question I could barely keep up.

“yes I found her. She is beautiful. Her name is Brooklyn Grey. You didn’t smell her because she was in my arms and my alpha smell must of over powered her. And no she doesn’t know she’s my mate because... well she’s a human mom she’s not in any pack yet.” I tried to answer all her questions but I might have missed a few.

“She’s human? Oh well she wont be for long after you mate with her she will change. I did after me and your father mated. But go slow with her Cam…” my mom advised. But I already knew I had to take it slow and let her get to know me first.

All of a sudden I heard her calling my name quietly and soft footsteps coming from upstairs.  I smiled and said

“Well my Brooke is up now so I’ll bring her down in a little while to meet you. See you mom!” Before I rushed upstairs to see my stunning mate.


Heey! If you want to have a chapter dedicated after you fan and comment! Votes are highly apreicated too ;)

And btw? did anybody pick up on who Mandy her bestfriend was makeing out with? haha drama is about to start<3!

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