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(Warning,, f slur, and hc Asthmatic Craig)

Weeks and weeks... of relentless bullying. All because Tweek was seen blushing while talking to one of the new kids- who happened to be a guy.
Rumours spread pretty quickly, and Tweek was labelled the gay kid. He feared walking through the hallways, scared he'd turn a corner and get shoved to the ground again.

What he didn't know was that around the corner this time, there was awaiting more than a shove. Tweek had befriended butters, who offered to walk him to his next class. Just as they turned the corner, he saw Craig being shoved by two older guys.
"Your just like him- stupid fag."

Tweek didn't know where the confidence came from, sure he had talked to Craig a few times- but he wouldn't call them friends.
"H-hey, ARGH, l-let him go!" Tweek was shaking- he couldn't tell if it was anger, or the fact he was running low on coffee. Craig turned his head, looking towards the voice that had got his attention....

It was his lifetime crush, Tweek... and was that... OH NO, another jock began creeping up behind Tweek.
"SPAZ, DUCK!" Was all Craig could get out, pushing out of the way of the bigger kids, grabbing Tweeks arm and running. Tweek didn't pay much attention to the nickname, adrenaline rushing through his veins. Craig felt his chest begin to tighten, but he didn't slow down. Running was all he could do. He just had to make sure Tweek was okay.
They ran out of the school yard, they ran and ran and ran until they were fighting for oxygen... one of them a bit more than the other.

They ran until they reached somewhere safe. Starks Pond. Tweek let himself collapse into the few inches of snow that had collected overnight.
"C-Craig, did we just d-ditch school?! This is TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" He ... well, tweaked out.

Craig knelt down beside him, chest struggling to rise and fall at a normal rhythm. Tweek noticed this, and almost instantly started digging around, trying to see if Craig had dropped his inhaler anywhere. He knew him well enough to know his... friend? Was severely asthmatic.

Craig's POV
They took it... my inhaler. They took it from me and shoved me into the lockers... I don't know why! It's not like I'm- oh...
I looked at the student post board, seeing a picture... a picture drawn of me and... me and tweek?! Why are my hands down his pants?! Not this again!

I tried gripping at the snow, wheezing as I inhaled short, choppy servings of oxygen. My chest was tight, refusing to let me breathe in any more. I looked over, seeing tweek freaking out. He was digging all around the snow... what was he looking for? My inhaler? Psh, it was gone. No use even trying. I was beginning to feel lightheaded... nothing like an asthma attack in the snow to make the day better. I was starting to feel lightheaded, feeling my eyes roll back.
"Craig... c-Craig!" Even Tweek's screams couldn't pull me out of this one.
Wow. What a great impression to my crush.

I let myself black out.

My the time I woke up, it was darker than before. A few hours must have passed... I went to push myself off of the snow, feeling something soft and fluffy instead.
I was in a bed? This wasn't my bed? I looked around, trying to find some sort of indication as to where I was. All I remembered was running.. running away with...

"Oh, y-your awake!"

Tweeks POV
I whipped my head around at the shout. Of surprise? Comfort? Anger? I dunno. I wasn't really good with emotions..
"Oh, y-your awake!"
I smiled at him, holding out a small bag from the pharmacy, and a bottle of water. After Craig had blacked out, I had used all my strength to carry him back to my house. My parents were accepting of me, and they weren't too mad about me skipping school. They were more concerned about Craig, who was barely breathing in my arms. I told them what had happened, no lies leaving my lips.

They even went and got Craig a new inhaler! He took the small bag from me, after rubbing his eyes and sitting up of course... those eyes, so gorgeous... I wasn't ... I didn't have a crush on Craig did I? AH! This was too MUCH PRESSURE!
Anyways, I took a sip from my mug with shaky hands, before offering Craig a smile.
"I thought y-you AHH d-died!"
I noticed him roll his eyes at me, before opening the small bag. His eyes almost instantly went wide as he shoved it back towards me.
"I can't take this, Tweek"

"Please? Y-you have to!"
He seemed convinced enough by my begging, shaking the small tube and pressing it to his lips. I watched as he inhaled, chest rising and falling in a natural rhythm finally. I was satisfied enough, zipping my coffee.
It was late.. I sure do hope Craig's parents wouldn't get mad that he wasn't home.

"I need to... go." Craig muttered, looking around my room before looking back to me. I blushed lightly- why did I blush damnit!
He's going to think I'm some queer trying to hit on him-
"Thanks Tweek, I always knew I could count on you"
Those words made my heard skip a beat. And I think he noticed. We both looked to the ground, as if it would swallow us whole.
"Can I... stay?" He asked, in a hushed whisper, like he didn't want the universe knowing our dirty little secret... the one we didn't even know ourselves.

I just knew Craig made me feel safe. And... and I didn't want to think any deeper into this. I nodded, giving him a small smile.
"My p-parents are pretty worried, they AHH, P-probably won't let you leave anyways! I-I'm not kidnapping you I swear but-"

"Hush,you spaz." Craig chuckled, sipping his water. I couldn't help but notice his hair.. his bed hair. My parents had taken his hat and coat off of him, leaving him in his jeans and white undershirt. I blushed at the nickname, usually I'd be upset but.... but it didn't feel hostile falling from his lips. I turned on the small tv in my room, letting Craig pick what he wanted to watch. I ran downstairs, to tell my parents Craig was awake, and that he was sleeping over. They didn't mind one bit, glad I finally had a friend.

When I came back, he was half asleep, blue chullo hat pulled down past his eyes. I blushed at the sight, climbing into bed next to him... I considered sleeping on the couch, but knowing me I wouldn't sleep anyhow. Craig felt the shift In the mattress, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close... really close. That's when I heard it, the faint mumble falling from the raven haired boys lips.
"I love you, spaz." He mumbled.
My face automatically heated up....
"I-I... love you too."

Sorry sorry this is really bad- very very rushed Bahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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