~T H R U S T O N~

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Thrustson was in the living room,busting some a few songs."Daughters of darkness,Sisters insane~!A little evil goes a long,long way~!We stand together,No we're not afraid!We'll live forever!Daughters of darkness,Daughters of darkness~"He sung out,playing around with a gun in his hand.


The Finnish boy leaned against the wall,one foot pressing against it as the other one rested on the floor.A serious expression was on his face,sighing.He was skipping class,since he didn't like the maths class he was put in.He wore blacks and reds,wearing black ripped skinny jeans.His black shirt was a bit over sized,a dark red hoodie over it,unzipped.He had his head down a bit,his pale hair dangling down his face as it covered his red eyes.The only thing he could hear was the rock music playing in his ears.

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