Flowers and dates (Midoriya Izuku)

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It had been three months since you'd graduated from UA. The ceremony still brought warm feelings to your chest as you remembered getting your diploma and seeing your mother cry tears of joy.

You had given a speech, telling them all about how you suffered bullying as a child, and that you overcame all of it to be at the top of the 1-B class. A few of your friends cheered as you finished up, some even throwing glitter. 

Once the ceremony had ended you were given beautiful (fave flowers). Your father hugged you, squeezing your soft frame. "I'm so proud, (Name). I know how much it meant to you to come here." His hands gripped your shoulders, looking at you. Your mother was silent, unable to talk because of the tears and the happiness swelling in her chest.

It was an amazing day. As the ceremony ended, food was wheeled out. You ate, drank dance, sang, pretty much everything with your classmate as the sun started to set.

Though, to you, the best part of that day was when Izuku has pulled you aside with flushed cheeks and eyes that weren't able to meet yours. He'd been looking for the opportunity to talk to you all day.

"(Name)-san... I really liked you speech. It was motivating, a-and quite relatable," he spoke, his voice soft, but not as soft as it used to be. You smile softly at the tall boy. He had grown so much throughout the years, coming there shaking and scared, and now leaving more confident and stronger than he ever could have imagined.

"Why, thank you Izuku. I'm glad you liked it." Thinking that was all he had to say, you started to turn around, but you were shocked when you felt a stern grip on your wrist. "Izuku?"

"(Name), there's something I've wanted to tell you for a while," he said as he took a deep breath. You looked at him with a blush. He was so close to you, only a few inches away from your face. "I... I like you, (Name)."

Now this was quite a shock! You had never had tons of luck in love, and certainly had never had someone confess their love to you. Especially someone you liked... 

"I-Izuku I..." your face was heating up. "I like you as well!" You blurted out. You both fell silent. Neither of you knew what to do now. You were both inexperienced in this type of thing.

"W-well let's go on a date.... if you want to of course!" Izuku said quickly. You nodded. 

That brings us to here. It had been three months since then, since you'd seen Izuku. The two of you had been texting each other since then, trying to find a good time to go on a date. Izuku has been busy applying to colleges and saving people, while you had been using your quirk at a local hospital to help out.

A week ago, you both figured out the perfect date. The next Saturday you two would be going to a cafe together. It was supposed to be sort of a casual thing, since you two weren't super close just yet.

The day is Saturday, and you were trying your best to find an outfit to wear. You'd gone through most of your closet, trying to find something that fit the occasion. It was just a cafe, so anything fancy had been ruled out. You'd also given up on trying to find anything super casual, because it was a date after all and you wanted to look at least a bit different than usual.

After a while, you'd given up on trying to find something you'd already had, and decided to go pick up something new. You called a few of your friends which included: Mina, Ochako, and Tsuyu. They were all free, and actually really enjoyed dressing you up in cute clothes. 

Once the girls picked you up from your house, you were escorted through the mall, trying on various things to see what looked good or not. You had about an hour to find something cute to wear before your date with Izuku. Everything you tried on seemed to make you uncomfortable. 

"But (Name), you look so cute in this!" Mina exclaimed, posing you towards Tsuyu and Ochako. She had dressed you in a navy blue, sleeveless dress. It looked like something a kid would wear to the beach, and even had white anchors decorating it. "Mina, she's going to a cafe, not on a boat ride." Ochako said while holding in a laugh. 

You tried on more clothes, before setting for a (fave color) sweater and a white, pleaded skirt. It was cute, and not too fancy. The girls cooed, complimenting you. Your confidence went up a little as you twirled around. "Ah, I need to go before I'm late!" You said,  early tripping as you grabbed your bag.

~Time skip~

After you'd arrived at the cafe, you decided to go in and order you a drink. Izuku has told you he may be late, depending on when his interview would be over. You didn't mind though, because you were a bit late yourself. 

Ten minutes went by before Izuku showed up. The cafes door bell rang as he walked in. You lifted your head up, and a smile spread across your face as he spotted you and walked over. "Sorry I'm late, (Name), I got out of my interview early but I saw a robbery taking place, and you know I can't just sit around and let the police handle that when I'm around." He says as he takes a seat across from you.

That's one of the things you loved about him, he was always helping others. As you stared at him, feeling at peace, he brought out a bouquet of flowers. They were a bit wilted and some of the stems were broken. "Ah, I ended up hitting one of the robbers across the head with your bouquet. Sorry..." he scratched the back of his head. You took the flowers and sniffed them.

"Well who cares what they look like? They smell great and that's all that matters!" The boy across from you smiles. That was one thing he loved about you, appearances me at nothing to you. After being bullied his whole life for being scrawny and quirkless, he'd come to love how quickly you accepted and love others, no matter what they looked like.

"(Name), you look very pretty." He said, his eyes a bit dazed over. He looked at your smooth, bare legs. They were so cute, he wanted to lay his head on your lap right then. He looked up to see you blushing and twirling your hair. 

"Thank you Izuku, you're so sweet." You reached out and held his hand, an act that took all of your courage. Izuku nearly passed out then and there. Your soft hand in his tough and callused one felt amazing. He gulped, then decided to do something even more brave.

Your face erupted into flames when he leaned down to kiss your hand. "Your hands are so soft and cute, (Name). I hope I can hold them even more in the future."

The rest of the date was spent with you both getting more and more brave. Izuku rubbed his leg against yours, you winked at him, he fed you from his chopsticks, and finally, you kissed his cheek. As soon as he felt your lips on his cheek, Izuku passed out. He had been trying his best to hold on but he was at his limit. "I-Izuku! Are you alright?" (Name) shaked him. 

An hour later, Izuku woke up. His head was laying on something squishy, and he turned to nuzzle something warm and soft. He opened his eyes, looking up to see (Name)'s beet red face looking down at him. He had snuggled into your stomach, and his head was on your lap. They appeared to be sitting on a bench outside the cafe.

"(N-Name)!" The boy rolled off the bench as he tried to get up. Chasity stifled a giggle at his embarrassed state and helped him up.

"You passed out earlier after I kissed your cheek. Kirishima-kun happened to be in the cafe and helped me take you outside." She explained. Izuku sighed.

"I'm sorry, I ruined our date. Our first date..." 'And probably our last...' he thought. 'I'm an idiot, (Name) probably hates me now...'

You tilt your head. "You didn't really ruin it, I had a lot of fun. I even got to see your cute sleeping face!" At that, Izuku laughed. It had been fun, and he wanted to spend more time with you, but it was getting late. "Well you're awake now so.."

Izuku's eyes widen as he feels your lips on his. You had stood up on your tippy toes to place a small kiss on his lips. "I'll see you next time, Izu-Chan." You say before walking away. He puts a finger on his lips. 

"See ya..."


AN: I might make a part 2 to this down the line if y'all want uwu 

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