Comfort (Inuyasha)

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An: TW, attempted r*pe! Also sorry it's short, it's more a Drabble than a story haha 

It has been a long day of slaying demons and taking jewel shards. (Name) was beat. She dragged her feet as her and Inuyasha walked back to the village. They soon realized there was no way they were going to make it back before night fall.

Inuyasha was complaining loudly about her being tired. (Name) sighed and looked up at him. 

"Inuyasha, if you're done complaining, can you help me set camp? You know I'm too short to reach the top of the tents." She explained. Inuyasha huffed.

"I swear humans can't do anything by themselves." He groaned. (Name) put her hands on her hips and looked up at him with a pout. Once he saw her pout he turned away. 

"You really hate humans don't you? What did I ever do to you?" She huffed and turned her head. "I'm getting firewood, don't follow me." With that she was gone.

Inuyasha watched her leave. His eyes were specifically on her swaying hips and cute butt. She was wearing a skirt and a sweater today and looked rather adorable. He would never admit he thought that, though.

"Hmph... be back before dark." He muttered before beginning to pitch the tent.

(Name) wandered around the woods, collecting firewood. She had a decent bundle of twigs and logs in her hands within minutes, but nearly dropped them when she heard the sound of running water. The chubby girl hurried over to a small stream.

Bubbling water ran down the stream, giving life to plants that grew alongside it. (Name) grinned as she filled up a few bottles with the liquid. "Inuyasha was saying he was thirsty earlier, I bet he'll be happy to get a drink." She said with a happy hum.

(Name) hurried back to the campsite with her findings in hand. Her happy moment was ruined when she felt a presence behind her. 

Her fingers immediately wrapped around her bow and arrow. Before she could draw her arrow, she was pinned against a tree.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn't a demon pinning her to the tree. If it was, it wouldn't even be able to touch her due to her carrying sutras. No, the presence belonged to a human man.

"What luck! I've found some entertainment. I've been wondering through these woods for weeks, I'm all pent up. Can't believe I get to play with such a cutie." The man was nearly six feet tall and stank of rice wine. (Name) screamed but was silenced by a slap to the face.

"Silence wench! If you scream again I'll slice your throat. I have no qualms with making use of a corpse," he said as he started to lift her shirt up. (Name) began to tear up. 

'Inuyasha... please save me...' she begged.

Inuyasha's ears twitched. A woman's scream entered his ears. It only took him to realize it was (Name)'s. 'Oh no...' he thought. He could smell blood. Her blood.

Inuyasha began to run while taking in the (Name)'s scent. He jumped over a stream and landed in front of what had caused her screams.

A man held a blade to her neck as he undressed her, slightly piercing her throat as he did so. The sight made Inuyasha pause. His blood boiled with rage. Those dirty hands were touching his (Name), the girl he loved so much.

Before he realized it, his claws were already digging into the mans arms, severing his hand from the bone. (Name) moved away, gasping for air and trying to cover her chest. Inuyasha threw the man several yards, causing him to hit his head against a rock and was immediately at (Name)'s side. 

"(Name)! Are you okay? What did he do to you?" He grabbed her shoulders and looked into her terrified eyes. She shook her head and leaned into his chest. Her trembling hands gripped onto her shirt.

Inuyasha calmed down a bit and picked her up into his arms. He said nothing as he carried her back to the campsite as quick as possible.

He turned away to let her dress herself then helped her get bandaged up. (Name) only sniffled.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked. (Name) could tell he was worried about her, he only asked about her safety when he was.

"No, he only touched me a bit and cut my throat." She mumbled back. Inuyasha watched her, his yellow eyes not giving away what he was feeling. He sighed and scooted over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry, (Name). That will never happen again. From now on I'll go with you everywhere." He took in her sweet scent and he held her close. (Name) nodded and embraced him back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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