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"Yumna sit down." My mother smiled at me. We were having dinner with the Jung family at the moment and I was setting the table.

"I am mama, I'm just making sure we have glasses-

"We have everything sweetie just sit down." Rahim uncle said I nodded and sat down in between Yusha and May.

"Alright." I sat down my mom looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Actually beta I left the serving spoon for the biryani in the kitchen. Can you get it?" She asked I stood up but Sarah stopped me.

"I'll get it. Haseeb go get it." Sarah said making us laugh. Haseeb got up and went to the kitchen coming back with the spoon.

"Yumna and Sarah tomorrow your mom is coming over to catch up you two should come too." Ama said.

"I'd love to but Haseeb and I are visiting his parents place tomorrow." Sarah said.

"Well that's fine. Next time but Yumna you should come then at least."

"Of course. I'll be home." I smiled.

"How come you call her Ama but you call me Rahim Uncle am I not like a father to you?" Rahim uncle joked making us laugh.

"She only calls her Ama because she copied me when we were younger." Yusha nudged me playfully I hummed.

"As if you didn't copy what I did either." I pointed out.

"That's right Yusha you used to take her dresses because you wanted to match." My dad added making us all laugh at the memories.

"I don't want anything to do with Yumna." He cringed I hummed.

"Yeah just watch when she gets married and you barely see her ever again." Yunus stated making Yusha look at my parents.

"Don't get her married. Or get her married to me that way we can still be friends." Yusha said making my mom laugh.

"Yusha don't be weird. Yumna doesn't want to marry you anyways." Harris added then looked at me, "Isn't that right Yumna?"

"Yup." I said. "No offense Yusha but we wouldn't last a year you're so boring I have to drag you to get you out of the house."

"It's true you have to plan how you're going to get him out of the house weeks in advance." Aj agreed with me.


"Wait! What the heck? He just ditched his wife for her sister." Harris gasped pointing at the TV screen then looking at me.

"See? And I thought you said you wouldn't be pressed." I hummed with a playful smirk playing on my face.

"Ah well I guess you weren't just being sensitive." Harris chuckled. "Sorry."

"Nah don't worry about it." I waved him off. "It's not that serious but at least you agree that it's annoying and messed up."

"He's stupid for that. Then on top of that he got mad at her for being upset? How in the world does that ever work?" Harris asked I shrugged.

"Men." I stated jokingly.

"I'd never do that to my wife. I'd love her and treat her with so much respect." He said confidently, I awed.

"Well then may allah bless you with a wife who will give you the same." I smiled he nodded returning the smile.


Samina (Yumnas Mom)

"Umaima look." I nudged my friend of many many years who was pouring the chai.

"What?" She asked coming over to me, we both watched Harris and Yumna talking about the drama passionately.

"He's a good guy just made a mistake choosing his wifes sister over her. Plus they just got married so he should be spending it with her." Harris told Yumna who nodded in agreement.

"Exactly what I said but you thought I was being dramatic. But like I said imagine if you and I were married and I spent all my time with Yusha."

"Ouch, that would definitely make me feel some type of way." He admitted.

"Right, I'm going to go see if the adults want chai do you want any?" She asked harris who shook his head.

"Wait you're going?" He asked, Yumna nodded.

"Well someone has to make the chai." She chuckled. He stood up.

"I'll go with you then. I'll be bored." Harris said and the two came into the kitchen.

"Oh you made chai? I was going to do it." Yumna said, I smiled.

"It's okay, you can take this tray outside to the backyard give it to the guys." I said handing her the tray she nodded.

"Okay." She said. "So do you like the drama?"

"No it made me mad." Harris laughed as the two walked outside. I looked at umaima who smiled at me.

"You're looking for a husband for Yumna right? Harris is old enough too." She said I smiled.

"Would they even agree to it?"

"We could try, plus! That would make us even closer than ever." She smiled I nodded she was right.

"They do seem to click as well, we should talk to our husbands about it introduce the idea to them." I said she nodded in agreement before we went out to join the rest of the family.


"Okay so how about Isla May Hadi and I against yunus Aj Harris and you?" I asked Yusha.

"We don't want to hurt you girls plus Hadi." Harris said I hummed.

"Actually Yumna can Isla and I do your makeup?" May asked.

"No. You'll mess up her face." Harris intervened earning sassy looked from the two girls.

"Why are you answering for her? She's not your wife." Isla sassed making Harris roll his eyes.

"Yeah Harris I'm not your wife." I sassed playfully.

"Don't complain to me if they mess up your face." He laughed as the girls led me away.

"Alright do you have anything you have in mind ma'am?" May asked sitting me down in my vanity chair.

"No not really you girls can do whatever you'd like." I smiled. Isla took out her phone and showed me a design.

"This, can we do this?" She asked I nodded. "What do you say May?"

"Sure you do one half of the face I'll start on the other half." She nodded in agreement and the two started.

"Yumna can we ask you a question?" Isla asked I nodded. "Do you like Harris?"

"Yeah he's nice. Why don't you girls like your brother?" I chuckled as they did my eyeshadow.

"Yeah but in a brother way. Do you like think he's cute?" Isla asked.

"Well he's not ugly if that's what you're trying to ask me." I chuckled they giggled.

"So you think he's cute!" May gasped.

"Oh stop it you two. Such school girls." I joked making them laugh.

Harris was cute and he was fun to talk to.

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