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Sollox looked at the other two. Kanaya was tanned, and Eridan was a bit Carmel. Then a pale girl loomed over. She screamed. The she started hitting everyone. "What the?" Sollox said. "Ow..." Kanaya remarked. "HMMMHNH!" Eridan was muffled. She was about to hit again when Henry, Feferi and Nepeta came tumbling down. "Water going on?" Feferi asked. Eridan shot up. "Fef?" Feferi heard him. "Eridan!" She ran behind the couch and hugged him. Sollox got up. He tumbled off and onto the couch.

Eleanor grabbed her phone.

unknownRage [UR] began pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG]


unknownRage [UR] ceased pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG]

Eleanor sighed. "Might as well explain everything." She said. "These guys are trolls but they look human. Yea.... Meow." Karkat came though the door with the others. "What's going on?" He asked. Eleanor took the others "come with me. " They went upstairs. "What's going on?" John said. "I'm moving them out of my garage." They went into her room then her closet. "Someone lift me up." Dave and John lift her up. She opened a small door. She went in. "What are you doing?" Dave asked. "Getting you guys up here." She hung her arms out. Dave was first. Then Rose. Jade and John. Dave stood up. "It's so dark." Jade rolled her eyes. "No duh. Your wearing sunglasses." Rose turned on a flashlight. There was a big tube. It was white and green. " Lets try to move that." Eleanor suggted. John whinced. "I don't think we can." Eleanor walked over to it. Jade followed. Rose shurrged. "I don't see why not." She went over. Dave sighed and went over. "Fine. Come on John." John went over. They put their hands on the tube and started to try and move it. The lid moved. They kept trying to move it. The lid came off.

Six things came out. They were all different colors. One that was blue went to John. Another was purple pink was went to Rose. A orange one went to Dave. A little green one went to Jade. A dark purple went to Eleanor and the yellow-red one went downstairs.

Henry had everyone sit. The new arrivals were odd. Ones clothes kept changing, another had red and blue eyes and glasses, lastly, one seemed like Harry Potter. "Ok. Names, please tell me." The clothes changer spoke first in a nice tone. "I am Kanaya." She smiled "A pleasure to meet you." The Harry Potter spoke."I'm Eridan." He muttered something. The red and blue guy spoke in lisp. "Sollox. I'm Sollox." Henry nodded. "Sooooo.... Hi. I'm Henry." No one said anything. Henry felt drowsy. He felt asleep on Feferi's lap.

Henry woke up on the Purple planet, Derse. He was in his bed. The girl, Aradia looked over and smiled. "Hello." She said sweetly. She flew over. "Hi!" Henry sat up. "Is everything going to be ok?" Henry asked her. Aradia smiled. "Yes Henry. Your going to enter the Medium soon." She remarked. Henry wanted to ask what that was but instead he asked; "What does it feel like to die?" Aradia sighed and her smile faded. "Like everything is sucked from you. And you can't move or stop it." Henry shivered. "Sounds terrible." Aradia sighed. "It happened twice." She looked at him in the eyes. "Wake up. Something is happening." Henry snapped his eyes open. Karkat stood over him along with Eridan. "Nice nap huh?" He sat up. A red and yellow thing floated around. "Put something in the orb." Karkat commanded. He sounded calm. "Why?" Karkat glared. Henry got up. He looked around. He found a pokemon figure. It was a Victichi. He tossed it in. The then changed. Nepeta looked terrified. "AC looked in horror." Equius was protecting her. The five older people came down. Rose looked at them all. "Is something wrong." Karkat turned slowly. "You all. That's what. You opened the pandora tube. A meteor is coming now." The six kids panicked. "All you have to do it toss a thing in." The Victichisprite followed Henry. John looked at Karkat. "We can't..." Meaning Rose, Jade, Dave and Him. "They will." Meaning Eleanor and Henry.

Eleanor ran upstairs and tossed in her lucky cat. It changed. It looked like a cat with a thingy in one paw.

Henry's spirte dropped a little V. Henry grabbed it.

Eleanor's dropped a little luck cat. She ran downstairs. "Now what?" She asked. The house was a little hot. "ITSSS HERE!" Sollox cried. Karkat shoved the two outside. She held her little brother's hand. Eleanor held her cat up. Henry followed. "I love you Henry."

"Me too Eleanor."

And the meteor crashed.

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