Eyeless Jack

207 2 1

A/N I'm still editing these so if there is a part that you don't understand, comment or dm me.


The best result is done between 12:00 am and 3:00 am.

Be alone in your room.

Things you need



1. Go to your room.

2. Lay down on your bed.

3. Hold where your kidneys are or hold your stomach.

4. Say," Eyeless Jack, take my kidney."

5. If you want to you can look out your window. ( Some versions say that you must see him enter your house, but you don't know when he will come. You don't have to see him enter your house.)

Notes: The next morning when you wake up your stomach area or where your kidneys are will hurt. You might have cuts or buses. Be ready to be in pain. You might not be that hungry.  You should do this when you are very tired.

Another summoning finished. Until next time-


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