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"I believe you, what now?" I ask Hylia as she stands before me with a haughty tilt in her neck.

"Good choice, though I had directly told you this already," she says in her harmonious voice with an indifferent attitude. Why was she so calm?

I had rushed back into the classroom aghast after I saw the scene of the hallways.

Kids making jokes, laughing, talking and more importantly, him.

How was he here? How were any of them here? My mind was warbling through an avalanche of questions as I tried to get a grip over myself.

"I know you are very confused-" she started saying but I cut her off.

"That is the understatement of the century!" I exclaim. "My mind is blowing up and I feel like everything is fake...though there is a chance it is,"

But I am well acquainted with the fact that this is all reality, I even pinched myself to verify that.

"I want you to listen carefully to me and please do not interrupt, understand?"

"Yes," I affirm.

"So I think you are very much aware that your friend Daniyal Amer has taken his whole life..."

I nod at that. I am well aware.

"Though, I am sure you don't know what drove him to jump,"

I nod again. Where was she going with this?

"I want you, to convince Daniyal not to."

Was I hearing correct? She wanted me to stop Daniyal from jumping?

"What makes you believe I can do that? Why would he listen to me?"

"Sometimes people and things are closer to you than you can imagine..." she says in a prophetic manner and her red-tinted lips curl up in a semblance of a smile, though it could just be my imagination.

"And what makes you think I'll agree to this whole charade?" I have no idea why I am even asking this to her when I know I want to help.

I want to believe that smiling Daniyal was the only Daniyal, that he had someone he could reach out to, that he had a chance.

"Do I need to answer that?" She asks me instead but the razor edges of her tone have softened and I realise that my eyes have started to cloud.

"I'll do it" I mutter but in the silent classroom, I am sure my words found my way to her.

She smiled and dramatically clapped her hands together, her lips twitching into a smirk.

"Well then what are we waiting for? A week before prom night?"

I flinched at the words that she oh, so casually uttered and can't help but wonder what kind of a mess I was going to enter.


I am currently contemplating if one can die from boredom and if that is possible, then I don't think I have a lot of time left here.

I mean, having to study everything last year was bad enough, I had to now sit through the classes again even though I know nearly everything by heart (I wasn't valedictorian for nothing) and to top it off, the Chemistry teacher had the most sing-song voice you can imagine.

Somewhere between acids and bases, my eyelids started getting heavy and my vision blurry but Hylia's voice rung in my ears.

"Act natural, stay natural, don't let anyone suspect anything but get the job done."

Her tone had had a sense of finality and then she disappeared into nothingness leaving swirls of grey ashes as her last remnant.

Walking out and greeting my friends had felt weird because I already knew what they were talking about while they suspected nothing.

Don't even get me started on the slight ache that pinched my heart when I saw Daniyal's smile. I truly felt like howling in rage and running away.

Currently, he was sitting in front of me diligently taking notes and listening to the teacher as I bite the end of my pen, deep in thought as to how I would manage to help him, or even the fact that if he needed help.

"It's simple you know, talk to him,"

The voice is like honey but with the aftertaste of chilli...Hylia.

I turn to the empty spot next to me which now had Hylia parked on it.

It was a miracle that the teacher hadn't picked me out for starting so quick.

"They can't see me," she whispers mockingly.

"But I can so shut up for a second," I whisper back aggressively.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." I look at her once again, furious at her behaviour. What if someone sees me? They would think I am crazy.

"This is boring. I need you to talk to Daniyal, not study about the acidity of a substance," she remarks. Too bad I am stuck here.

I look at her with a blank face which she returns with an air of assured attitude.

She snapped her fingers and suddenly I was nowhere.

As in, I was in nothingness and suddenly, I slumped against a cushiony surface.

The room has beige walls with a poster of some video game on the wall and a false ceiling. The furniture was in wooden and off-white and whoever made it, surely had a taste.

The design of the room felt familiar and I realised the layout was just like my parent's room and then another realisation hit me, I was in Daniyal's room.

On one wall, there was a display of medals and trophies that had Daniyal's name on them. I think they are from the MUNs and Debate competitions he takes part in.

Suddenly I hear a high pitch shriek but with a deep baritone.

I look to the door and see Daniyal standing in the doorway, shirtless and with a horror-struck expression on his face.


A/n: Sorry I didn't update in forever.


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