03 | the fates are stalkers

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Percy didn't like whatever was happening.

All the students on campus seemed to be playing some trick. They acted as if this blond woman named Mrs. Klerr had been teaching at Yancy Academy since Christmas. Whenever Percy tried to catch them in a lie, they would look at him strangely, like he had come back from Mars.

Even Y/N was confused, which nearly had him thinking that he had, in fact, been hallucinating about some crazy bat lady. Whenever he casually mentioned Mrs. Dodds, she looked at him with her all-knowing eyes in complete blankness.

But Grover couldn't fool him. Whenever he mentioned the name, he hesitated. He always claimed she didn't exist, Percy he knew he was lying.

The crazy feeling quickly bled into his school life. He had begun to be irritable all the time, finally snapping at Mr. Nicoll the English teacher. He'd called him an old sot, which wasn't the best insult, but effective enough to get him uninvited to Yancy next year.

Percy, however, was too burnt out to care.

He missed his little apartment on the Upper East Side and his mom anyways. There were things he'd miss at Yancy though. The woods outside his dorm window, the Hudson River in the distance, the smell of pine trees, and of course, his friends. Grover would be the subject to Nancy's bullying without him, he worried. But most of all, he wondered what Y/N would be doing after he left.

It seemed unlikely, but maybe they could all stay touch.


Y/N was stressed— even more than she usually was— and it wasn't because finals were coming up. In fact, she didn't mind school. She never got a formal education on Mount Olympus. Just boom, you exist and you already know all the basics. That's it. Sure, she would make plenty of changes to the way the education system worked, but it was still kind of interesting to her.

But no, she was stressed about the strange gap in her memory... only it wasn't a gap. It was like someone had covered something up, shoved it under a rug in her memory.

It had to be the Mist. But some sort of ancient being had to be powerful enough to weave it so tightly, so widespread. But she couldn't ask anyone like Grover or Chiron or else she would reveal she knew something in the first place. She had even resorted to praying to Athena, but Olympus had shut themselves out from her.

Nobody would be answering her calls unless they reached our first. For the first time in her life, she was completely cut off from her home.

The girl almost asked Percy what he remembered, but Grover, who she was now positive knew something, seemed pretty adamant about shutting down Percy's claims about someone named Mrs. Dodds, so she left the subject alone. It still irritated her that Grover knew something she didn't and that Athena, her most trusted advisor, was shutting her out.

Y/N's dorm mate, Emily, was sitting at her desk. She had been studying for hours over some sort of event of history they were supposed to have known months ago, but who actually retained information from all the way at the beginning of the semester? That's what the night before finals was for— remembering things you were already supposed to know.

"Aren't you going to study?" Emily asked.

Y/N laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "I did a while ago in the library."

"You're much more confident in this than I am."

"If I fail, then I fail," Y/N shrugged.

Besides, she was hoping her grades wouldn't even matter that much, because she would be going home soon. School would be just another page in her story in a few months, and everything would be alright. Either way, she didn't think any of the Olympians would care if she was failing in math. Nobody would be seeing her report card... well maybe the people at the random address she put for enrollment.

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