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CHAPTER THREECOMPANY"adrenaline keeps on rushing in"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"adrenaline keeps on rushing in"

After the very scary incident at the lake, they had continued their journey to Mount Weather.

Octavia, being badly hurt, had a limp the entire trip, and used Jasper as a crutch. Dylan didn't think he minded it, seeing as he was grinning ear to ear the entire time. Dylan herself felt a stinging pain for every step she took, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

At the moment, they were all hunched over a print in the mud. Finn had made a wild guess and assumed it was a monkey, to which Clarke had laughed at. "I'm sorry. It's just, according to everything I've read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys." She explained. Finn shrugged his shoulders.

Dylan leaned slightly back, enjoying the sound of birds chirping. Clarke was wrong, after all. Birds were chirping, animals had made prints in the mud and whatever the hell was in the water had survived radiation. That could only mean that they would too. At least that was what Dylan told herself to ease her mind.

"Right. You read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes?" Finn said, referring to the previous night. After the water attack they were all pretty much exhausted. So they had made a camp for the night. Sleeping underneath the open sky was beyond imaginable. It was so beautiful. Sure, they had all lived amongst the stars, but the view from afar was so much more admirable.

Another thing that had happened the previous night was that they had seen an animal. Finn hadn't hesitated to rub it in Clarke's face when they all crouched down and admired the deer from afar. But with a snap of a twig the beautiful stag turned around to reveal that it wasn't as beautiful.

In fact, it's face was mutated, exposing two heads instead of one. Clarke was right, and it was due to radioation. Dylan shuddered at the thought. If they survived p, she only hoped it would be with a non-mutated face.

"You guys! I think this is it." Jasper called from ahead. They all sped up, halting when they spotted the river separating them from the other side. Clarke glanced down at the map.

"Yup, just over there." She confirmed. Dylan scrunched up her nose. No way in hell was she getting into any water after yesterday. Ever.

"Any suggestions as to how we're going to get over? Cause I'm sure as hell not getting into the water." Dylan said. The rest silently agreed.

"We could use this, to swing over." Finn suddenly spoke. Dylan watched as he climbed ontop of a rock, grasping a vine. He tugged in it, showing that it was secure to the rest of the group.

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