Chapter 6: Hurt

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I woke up that morning with a new sense of purpose in life. For once in my life, everything seemed like it was going to be okay. I took a shower, had some breakfast and headed to school. I was excited to see Ailee. Even though she doesn't return my feelings that I have for her. I'm going to be persistent. I'm going try my hardest to be someone she would want to be with, no matter what.

When I got to school and saw Ailee and her friends Kira and Jin standing outside of the main entrance. I ran up to them.
"Hey guys." I said out of breath.
"Woah slow down there buddy, you okay?" Kira said to me laughing. I was clearly out of breath.
"Yeah i'm good. I'm really good actually." I said smiling at Ailee. She smiled back but I couldn't help but realize that she was trying to avoid eye contact with me.
"Is everything okay Ailee?" I touched her arm and she looked me in the eyes for the first time that morning, something was off.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Uh, i'm gonna go ahead and see you guys in class okay?" She looked at me with a forced smile and ran her hand down my arm in an attempt to  reassure me she was fine. I wasn't convinced.
"Okay." we all said. And She walked away.

I got to class and sat in my usual seat next to Ailee. She didn't look at me or say not one word. Which was weird. I don't know what's going on, I don't know what I did wrong.
"Ailee, are you upset because I confessed to you the other day?" I looked at her desperate for her to acknowledge me.
"No Jimin. I'm not upset, what makes you say that?" she looked at me, finally.
"You haven't really talked to me all day, you refuse to look me in the eye, it's like you're avoiding me." I explained.
"Jimin, I don't want this to come off wrong but, not eveything that goes on in my life has to do with you. I still have my own personal problems okay?" she said in an almost cold tone.
I was taken back by her words. She's never spoken to me like this before. She's always been nothing but nice to me. I guess I've been bothering her too much lately. I'll admit I have been clingy.
"Okay, i'll leave you alone." I told her as I turned back to face the front of the class.
"Jimin it's not.." she tried to speak but I didn't want to hear it.
"It's fine Ailee, I know how this goes, everybody gets tired of me eventually so just save it, I'm not worth the time or effort. I'm just a broken boy who's a burden to eveyone he meets." I told her and asked to be excused to the bathroom.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled at myself. Why do I try to get comfortable with people? I always take it too far and push them away. I'm such an idiot.
I just wanted this day to be over already. I just wanted to go home where I'll be all alone where I belong. I don't fit in here, I don't belong here with these people. Everybody here is better than me in every way. I even burden my own father. Sometimes I think the world would be better off without me here.

I never went back to classes. And before I knew it the lunch bell rang.
"Jimin?" I heard a male voice enter the bathroom. I looked up to see Jin walking in.
"What are you doing in here? Ailee sent me to come get you so we can all have lunch." He said.
"I'm not hungry." I told him.
"Oh well she said not to take no as an answer so lets go." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the bathroom.

We got to the cafeteria and I saw Ailee standing by their usual table. I got in line to get my food and then made my way over to them.
Just then I saw Jungkook over at the table and I couldn't believe my eyes. They were holding hands, and, and, kissing? It felt like my heart fell into my stomach. I felt like I wanted to throw up. I was about to turn to leave but Jin grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the table.
"Hey look who I found." Jin said. Ailee immediately let go of Jungkooks hand.
"Hey bud what up? Long time no see." Jungkook said as he took his seat next to Ailee. I did not want to be here.
"You okay Jimin?" She asked. My face was probably so pale.
"Actually I think I'm gonna go home, i'm not feeling too good." I told them ignoring Ailee. I got up and left the cafeteria.
I convinced the people in the front office to let me go home.

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