Im leaving

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I woke up this morning feeling sick. My head hurt and I felt like sinking my head into my pillow and never coming back up. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I looked tired. I rubbed my face under some cold water and got dressed. I made myself PBJ and ran to grab my coat. It was two in the morning and I had to get out of here.

This was the day I would run away. I couldn't tell anyone in this dimension what I knew. Most of them would probably sink in oblivion if I did and that would be a waste of time. I've been planning this day for a long time. The fact this took years to plan is wild. I grabbed the car keys, got into the car and drove away without looking back.

It's been an hour since I am on the road. I am planning to go to my friend Eva's. She said I could come and live with her, even if I'm planning to stay there for a few weeks. When I get to Eva's house she hugged me and let me in. The house smelled like roses and the walls were made of wood. She led me into a room with a bed and a desk. It had beautiful wallpaper of the galaxy. You could see the ocean from my window. I unpacked my things and soon Eva came in with a mattress and a pillow. I was tired so I told Eva I would go to sleep early.

When I woke up the next morning my head hurt and my ears where buzzing louder than before. I could hear the connection between worlds and I honestly thought of taking my own life at first. My ears bleed constantly, my head hurts, I lost my real family, my friends. Ava was the only one keeping me around. She was the only one that was "human" to me. I sat in my bed for a while and stared at the ceiling. "What am I going to do?" I thought.

I went to call Eva. Her room was placed two doors down mine. When I got to her room I knocked on the door. No answer. I tried again. Still no answer. I suppose she's downstairs, I thought. But when I went to check she wasn't there. I started to worry a little but pushed that thought away. Two hours passed and I checked every room in the house including the garden. I tried calling her 36 times. This wasn't like Eva because leaving without telling me never happens. I couldn't help thinking why she would leave. "Did I do something wrong?" I mumbled.

A couple of years ago, when Eva and I were 13, we went biking in the forest. It was winter and nobody went outside. It gets really cold in our town. We swim in a lake nearby. It's so cold in there I black out and slowly sink in the water eventually I wake up and I find Eva crying next to me. We decide to go home but nothing is the same. We didn't know what happened.

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