The wollow town

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The ship suddenly landed on a town. Mike jus kept calling it « The  Wanky Ville »
« This is the place where everyone is (that's not killed.)Welcome to The Wallow ! » said Ell
« Ha the wallow so close to the wanky »,said Mike. Then I went Down the ramp squeezing Eva and Chris's hands so hard that they had to say « Ellie you can let go ! » Sorry I replied.
Laura came sliding down the ramp with Blue. You should of seen Mike and Eva they laughed so hard !

Then I heard a voice « Emery is that you ? »,I said. Yah if I'm correct there is two lions coming strate for us. Then Luke came in front of me to protect me. We both blushed. He said something that embarrassed me « It least you're alive » Ell told us that there where just her dogs. Luke blushed. « Oh »,he said. Then Mike said « For a moment I thought you were a hero , for a moment » Which didn't help. And then Jack and Jill snorted  everyone laughed a lot!

« Laura ! Are you always going to ware pink ? », I said. « I think so », she replied. We met a couple of people and this is now our home know.

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