Chapter 10

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a/n: Adults content ahead. Stop if you feel uncomfortable.


"One. More. Step and we're there." Namjoon grunted at the weight he's carrying, making small steps until he reaches the door of their apartment. Jungkook wasn't helping at all, the drunk boy was asleep the whole time unknown of how much of a pain he's being to his roommate.

Finally, they made it to the wooden door, Namjoon released Jungkook to fell on the ground landing with his butt. The impact causes the boy to snap awake. He then looked around curiously, slowly taking in the familiarity of the place until he spotted his roommate standing beside him.

"Mhm Namjoon?..." The voice came out croaked and deep, which startled Namjoon a

Still rummaging through his pocket for the apartment's key, Namjoon only hummed as a response.

"Where are we? I thought we were at Jimin's house?" Jungkook yawned, laying his head against the cemented wall feeling sleepy again.

The tall male chuckled, finally found his key. He reluctantly slides it into the keyhole then opens the door to their home. "We were, It's just that you're here now because I carried you home."

"Oh really?" Jungkook muttered, feeling Namjoon's hands under his shoulder. Slowly lifting the boy up leading him into their shared apartment.

"Yea. You're a pain, you know?" Namjoon chuckled boringly. He left Jungkook standing there in the entrance hallway once they were inside. "You should at least walk on your own to your bedroom alright? I'm exhausted, I'm going to sleep."

Jungkook stares blankly at the taller male figure tiredly making his way into their bedroom. He managed to stumble forward, only to get caught on his own feet then proceeded to fall on Namjoon's back. Causing both of them lying on the ground in a very awkward position with Namjoon facing the wooden surface and Jungkook topping him with his weight pressing against the male's body.

"Ouch..." Namjoon winced in pain. He angrily glanced back at Jungkook, who's now completely motionless. "Yah! Get off me brat!"

"I can't... I don't have any energy left." Jungkook trailed slowly. He unconsciously snuggled his nose into Namjoon's neck, sniffing in the older's scent.

Namjoon groaned wearily. Crawling off Jungkook and then turned himself up gawking over the dead corpse lying on the floor.

"I'm never letting you touch any alcohol drinks ever again." The male sighed dejectedly. He grabbed one of the boy's arm and swung it over his shoulder for support. Grabbing Jungkook's torso, he proceeded to push both of them upstanding and slowly make their way to the bedroom.

Namjoon struggled to get them both into their bedroom. The male dropped Jungkook down on his bed. Happy that he can finally go to sleep, Namjoon marched towards his warm, comfy bed but before he could even reach it he felt something tugged on his shirt.

Frowning, he snapped his head back only to find Jungkook's hand tugging his shirt. His facial expression softens as he removed the younger's hand away. He looked up only to meet with Jungkook's brown orbs staring back at him.

"Go to sleep, drunkard. I've had enough of your antic today." Namjoon murmured.

Jungkook blinked, he refuses to let Namjoon go. With the little energy he had left in his body, the boy pulled Namjoon down on his bed laying beside him.

"Wha...?" Was all Namjoon could make out before he felt the weight of Jungkook's body pressing against him once again. "Jungkook. I don't know what you're trying to do but please can you let me off I need my beauty sleep-"

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