-What is that supposed to mean? -

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*No ones POV*
Jungkook and Yoongi live together. They are bestfriends ever since 2nd grade. They have always been together and once they graduated, they thought that it would be a great idea if they would move in together. Jungkook wanted to get into modeling and wanted yoongi to do it with him....but Yoongi is not th at type of person. Yoongi doesn't like taking photos and doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know. If Jungkook wouldn't have begged Yoongi to do modeling with him. Well we can say Yoongi would have never done it. Ever.

~Jungkooks POV~
I have been calling Yoongi to get up ever since 9am. He hasn't gotten up and we have a meeting at 11:30 am.
I go to Yoongi's room.
"Hyung we are going to be late, wake upppp" I shake him to wake up but that grumpy grandpa won't wake up. "I will drag you off that bed. I mean it." Yoongi opens his eyes and turns his head towards me. "I dare you Junglebook." That's it, I've had enough of his bs and we are both going to be late. Again. I grab his legs and yank him towards me, his eyes go wide. "You said it yourself Mr.Min" I pick him up and put him over my shoulder as I walk to his bathroom. "Put me down you little shit." He wiggles around and smacks me. "No."

I start up the bath and make sure the water is warm. I'm not that mean to my tiny hyung, look at him he's just so tiny and cute. I put Yoongi down on the counter. "We have a meeting at 11:30am and its 10:26am. I would suggest you to take a shower get dressed quickly so we can both eat breakfast and leave. Maybe, just maybe we won't be that late like last time." Yoongi just sighs.. "I promised we wouldn't be late hyung, I can't break that promise and with you waking up late. It just doesn't help me out... so please, do this for me, ok?"
I say. Yoongi just nods and looks down. " I'll  be waiting in the kitchen." I walk out of the bathroom and lock the door. Might as well pick something for him to wear, we can't be late again. We just can't.....
-^Yoongi's POV^-
I watch Jungkook walk out of the bathroom as soon as he leaves a strip and get into the bath. I don't mind waking up early, I really don't. But I don't like having to go to meeting, I never wanted to be a model but Jungkook really wanted me to do it with him... I couldn't say no to him. He means a lot to me and to say no to him is just something I can't do... He really likes the job, I mean they do pay go but I don't know.. I just don't like it..

I finish up and dry myself off. I go into my room and see that my bed was done and clothes were on it too. I smile "what would I do without you kookie..." I quickly get dressed, grab my phone and wallet and run downstairs. "I'm here." I walk into the kitchen and see Jungkook setting the plates down. " I made u a breakfast sandwich but it's already 10:56am you can take it with you, I already ate." He says. I just nod. I grab a napkin and the sandwich. Jungkook grabs the keys and we both start to head out. We get in the car and he put my seatbelt on for me. "Thank you kookie" "your welcome hyung." He starts to drive and I look out the window while eating my sandwich 'damn this kid can cook..' I finish my sandwich and wipe my mouth. "Hyung" I look at Jungkook "yes?"
"Do you know what the meeting is about?" I shake my head. "The company we work for is thinking on getting a new photographer." I look at him weirdly. "What's wrong with the one we had? I mean he seems nice and does his job." Jungkook nods. "People in the company said he slept with the bosses wife." My eyes go wide "what?!"
"You know how he's been calling sick lately" I nod. "Well they are saying that he was with her during that time." "That is just... wow.." I guess he thought he wouldn't get caught. I mean if you do something, there will be consequences that come along with it. Right? "Do you know who the photographer is?" I ask "No, well I mean I know he is a great photographer and much younger then the other one." I hum in response. I guess we will have to work with someone new....
*No ones POV*
Jungkook parks the car. "We are here just in time. Come on let's go in." Yoongi and Jungkook get out of the car and quickly walk into the company. They are greeted and told that the meeting would start in 5 mins. They both quickly sign in and go to the meeting room on the 4rth floor.
"What if he's mean?" Jungkook says "If he picks on you I'll show him to not." Yoongi says and Jungkook thinks.
"What if he picks on you?" Yoongi looks offended "are you serious?" Yoongi scoffs, "Hyung you look like the type of person to be picked on. Not being rude, just saying" Jungkook smiles "I'll kick him, and you wouldn't let him pick on me right?" Yoongi looks at Jungkook "right?" "Ofcourse hyung, your to cute to be picked on." Yoongi pouts "I'm not cute, what are you talking about kook?" "Hyung you are cute."

Yoongi and Jungkook go into the meeting room and sit down. Then the meeting begins. "Mr. Min and Mr. Jeon?" Their boss says. "Yes sir." They both respond. "You will be working with someone new, a new photographer. He's great I think you will like to work with him." Both Yoongi and Jungkook look at the door that Mr.Gweon was pointing too. Then the door opens and someone steps in. "Mr. Min and Mr. Jeon, I'll like you to meet Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim please introduce yourself." Mr. Kim nods and faces Yoongi and Jungkook.
"Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung, I'll be your new photographer from now on. I'll be looking forward into working with you guys." Taheyung says as he bows. "I'll like you three to get to know each other, the meeting is done have a great day." Mr. Gweon says and leaves. Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook stay in the room. Awkwardly. 

Jungkook goes first. "Hello my name is Jeon Jungkook." He says as he holds out his hand. Taheyung shakes his hand and smiles. Jungkook nudges Yoongi to say something. "Yoongi, Min Yoongi." He says as he looks at Taehyung. "Nice to meet you." Jungkook looks at Taehyung "sorry, my hyung isn't much of a talker." Taehyung raises a brow. "Hyung?"
Jungkook nods "yup, yoongi hyung is older then me." Taehyung looks at him in disbelief. "If I can ask, how old are you Jungkook?" Taehyung asks. "22, I'm 22." Taehyung nods. "I'm 24, and he is?" "He is 23." Taehyung nods while looking at Yoongi. "I guess I'm your hyung, Yoongi." Yoongi scrunchs his nose and looks at Taheyung.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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