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There were cries of relief and sobs of happiness when they reached the sprinkling fountain in the middle of the jungle, a natural lake around the little waterfall and the stranded's footsteps fastened by the sight of the heavenly liquid. Many of them dived right back in.

Taehyung followed a bit slower, seeing Jungkook to the side of the little lake, a warm smile playing on his lips while he looked at the relieved group. The little raven still wasn't convinced on why the island boy would share his life source with them. Water was a precious good on an island surrounded by salt water so Taehyung couldn't put his fingers on this act of kindness.

"The water isn't poisoned, little one", the melodious vowels were directed to Taehyung and the male lifted his head in surprise to find himself pinned to the ground once again by Jungkook's sultry eyes. Taehyung unwillingly stepped closer, Jimin and Namjoon have already left his side to dive into the cool water so he didn't want any of the others to listen to his words.

"Why are you sharing the water with us? Shouldn't you be hunting us away rather than share it?", Taehyung asked suspiciously while he stepped closer to Jungkook over a few slippery stones. The blonde watched him with amused eyes. "I see you mistrust me", he stated plainly while keeping his arms crossed over his broad chest. Taehyung snarled at him.

"Of course not. I know nothing of you, you could be a cannibal trying to eat us alive once we fall asleep", the boy vivaciously hissed, making the blonde snicker. "From what I recall, I saved the most of getting drowned. Would a cannibal do that to his food?", Jungkook replied back with a hidden smirk. Taehyung felt himself caught off guard, he was right.

Jungkook has saved the most of them, he was even with Taehyung when the raven has woken up. "I suppose that gives you my answer, little one", Jungkook said teasingly before he suddenly gripped to his side and pulled a beige bag up. "That yours? Found it laying in the sand near you when you got here", Jungkook said casually, not seeming to know what he has pulled out there.

Taehyung's treasured survival kit and the key to his survival. "Yes! Oh my god, I thought I lost it!", Taehyung said relieved and took the soaked bag into his arms, clutching onto it like a Baby. Jungkook stared at the petite male for a while in thought. "So, does this little act show you that you can trust me?", he asked but Taehyung only scrunched his nose.

How adorable. "Not now, you still could be a wild animal trying to slaughter us at night", Taehyung retorted before staring at the water with longing eyes. His throat was dry as the Sahara and Jungkook also seemed to notice that. "You can go drink, Beautiful. It's not like someone will jump you and try to eat you", Jungkook commented dryly.

Taehyung almost caught himself laughing so he quickly stumbled away from the island boy before he could catch Taehyung laughing.

The survival kit was tightly pressed against his chest.


Taehyung was the only one to stay suspicious of Jungkook who soon developed into some kind of leader, giving the group his knowledge and helping them to adjust to the new lifestyle. All of them were literally in awe with everything he was going, beginning from showing the the water fountain back and back to building a fire back on the beach.

They all admired him yet Taehyung was the only one to ask him questions. "If you've been on this island so long, why didn't you try to reach out for anyone? Did you try to flee from the island? And when did you crash and land here?", Taehyung questioned the male who was moving around the fire a bit.

A few elders, the elderly couple he has first met, clicked their tongue from his questions. "You should be grateful he was so kind and is helping all of us! Stop bothering him with rude questions and be thankful!", the woman brutally scolded him which earned Taehyung a lot of hateful glares.

He closed his mouth, surprised over the sudden protectiveness over the blonde so he simply stuck to glaring at Jungkook. Jimin was snuggled to Taehyung's side while Namjoon's shoulder has been wrapped with a bandage Jungkook has made. The blonde chuckled amused before throwing Taehyung a look out of hooded eyes, stretching his long limbs.

"I couldn't leave alone. Unlike you, I wasn't in the luck of stranding together with a group. I was all alone, had to teach myself how to survive here. But I believe if we all will hold together as a team, then we can leave this island and return back to land. Isn't that a great plan?", Jungkook asked with enthusiasm in his voice. Hummed agreement was the answer and the two females to his side moved closer to stare up to him admiringly.

But Jungkook's eyes were only fixed on Taehyung. The raven shuffled uncomfortable on his spot. His eyes were getting drowsy again, his whole body aching and fatigue took over him. So Taehyung decided to trust this group for once and allow sleep to take over him. He snuggled closer to Jimin who had his arms wrapped around Taehyung, all of them sitting around the warming fire.

The last thing Taehyung saw before falling asleep were the dark lusted eyes fixed of Jungkook focused on his body.


Did Jungkook really find the kit or did he take it?


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