Author's POV.

Wendy awakes from another strange, yet wonderful dream. Her dark blue eyes flittering around her room quickly, only to see nothing, but a few stray dresses lining her floor that she had forgotten to put away before she slept.

That's the 5th time that dream has repeated this week! She thinks to herself.

She climbs out of her bed and walks slowly to her window, only to see that the sun is up, and people are walking past her home.

She grabs one of her many dresses on the floor and puts it on, the soft violet material falling halfway on her calf. She slips matching heels on and walks to her dresser with all of her makeup and brushes.

Wendy has grown a lot since her young age. She now lets her long, brown hair stay down, only pining it back when she needs to do so, despite it ending less that half down her back. Her blue eyes now seemed darker, making her seem more mature than as a child.

She finishes doing her makeup and hair before leaving her bedroom and walking down the hall to another room.

This room, being her brother's. John.

After coming out as gay to his parents 2 years ago, Wendy offered for him to live with her, as she had recently moved into a place of her own. Her being 20 now and him being 15. (AN: yes I made John gay, shut up.)

He had abandoned his glasses for contacts and now seemed more serious.

Michael had stayed with the Darling parents, as he was still 11.

Wendy's POV.

"JJ?" I knock on the door and enter slowly. "It's time to wake up now, you have school this morning."

He groans in response. I pick up a pillow from next to the door and lob it at his head. He yelps and throws one back. I dodge it, giggling, before closing the door.

I walk down the small stairs to the kitchen and I start making breakfast for us. Pancakes.

After a few minutes I hear John come down the stairs, yawning, before seeing him sit at the white and rose gold marble island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Morning, Wendy." He yawns, still tired obviously.

"Hey, J! I made you our favourite this morning before school, so don't try and yell at me for the pillow" I reply, laughing as he glares at me.

"Fiiiiiine. I won't... Yet." He joins in laughing.

We eat breakfast and I drop him off at school before heading to my usual coffee shop to continue my writing.

Ever since I was a young girl I always dreamed of writing fiction books, about pirates and mermaids and fairies. The stories fascinated me, more than I had ever been. So I started writing my own.

I sat down in a chair next to a window and I opened my computer, continuing my most recent work.

I hear a person next to me, as she lands herself in the seat across from me.

"Hey Wendy! Which one are you working on now?" The girl asked.

Alice Liddell, she's my best friend and has been since we were 10. (Yes this is Alice in wonderland. Her last name is actually Liddell lol.)

Luckily for me, she works here and always gives me a discount on the weirdly priced drinks and cake.

"Hey Ally! I'm working on 'Through the looking glass'. I just can't seem to end it!" I laugh as I move my computer to one side.

"Again? Weren't you doing that last week too? I swear... you need a new book in the working! Something with... magic!" She says, sparkles in her eyes. I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess. How's Maddy?" I look to the counter, eying a girl with crazy ginger hair and bright green eyes talking to a guy with black to purple hair, and wild eyes that just scream insane.

She blushes. "Good, just teaching Charlie the works of things. Charlie's our newbie. Along with 2 other guys who seemed... strange, yet funny. I'll send one of them out on you, see how he does!" She answers, smiling. I nod to her as a reply.

I tell her what I want from the menu, a rose tea and a chocolate chip muffin, before she leaves to tell 'Charlie'.

I pull my computer back over to me and write for a few more minues before I see someone walk over to me, and I put it back.

"Here you go!" He places them in front of me on the table.

"Thank you." I turn to him and our eyes meet.

Wow... I think.

The boy has slightly tanned skin, bright blue eyes that I can see are full of wonder, and his hair is a dirty blonde that is sticking everywhere like crazy.

He's... Beautiful...

He seems to be taking my face in as well, coughing and blushing before looking away.

"I'm Wendy Darling, my friend Alice works here... and, you are?" I ask politely, putting my hand out for him to shake.

He takes it, leaning down a bit and kissing the back of it, making me jump and blush.

"I'm Peter." He replies.

"Peter Pan"


Hai guys!! Hope you liked this! I'm hoping to write more and this just seemed to get my attention so I'm gonna try writing this as much as I can.

Just to help with characters in this chapter lol:

Alice Liddell- Alice in wonderland.
Maddy Hattlyn- Mad Hatter- DATING ALICE.
Charlie Shire- Cheshire Cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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