Chapter 1- Bring Down the Dellucci

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Bring Down the Dellucci
Arieon's Pov

"So he was hit by them and thrown from the bike. What happened next?" I dropped the photo on the bed.

"Enzo Bruschi exited the vehicle and proceeded to remove Joshua's helmet. He handed it to Matteo Gallo before grabbing Joshua by the neck..." he trailed off and I glanced at him.

"Continue." I urged him, though he seemed hesitant looking at me. My heart was racing, but I wasn't ready to believe him.

"He slammed Prescott's head against the concrete multiple times, consequently killing him." He finished.

I was staring at the sheets but my mind played out the situation and I didn't put faces to the men because I couldn't. I didn't particularly know them but I was sure I knew of them.

My brothers had a special batch of men that they would call on for certain jobs that required men who value loyalty, and had an ability to keep things clean- no witnesses no traces. That could've been done, if they didn't trust Julius as much as they did.

"This isn't en-" I started, but before I could finish he interrupted me.

"Autopsy report. The real one." He flipped through a couple pages. "Read it." He pushed it into my hands.

"Last but not least, audio of your brothers and their men plotting." He held up his phone and a sort of familiar voice with a thick accent filled the room.

"You talkin' bout that Chinese boy?" The voice asked.

"Well, technically he's Wasian." Giovanni's voice piped in and I felt my heart pang. How could he be a part of this.

"Yes, Joshua Lee-Prescott breathes his last breath today and nobody can ever find out how." Dominic's voice brought the recording to an end and gave me goosebumps. My eyes fell to the sheets and I played the scenario that happened to Josh in my head, imagining that Dom was the one doing it..

"That was one of their first meetings on the subject, then they went on to iron out the details." He scrolled through his phone looking for something else.

"Easiest thing, make it look like an accident. Motorcycles get into accidents all the time." Nathan slid his phone into his pocket.

My heart was racing. I took shallow quick breaths.

How could they do this to me.
How could my brothers, who raised me, kill someone that meant so much to me. How could they betray me like this and keep it a secret. They came to his funeral with me! I was struggling to keep it in now, I swiftly stood up and turned to Nathan.

"I'm in." I spat out and he shot up from the bed. He began to talk about plans or something and I shut him up swiftly.

"Leave, please." I requested with as straight of a face as I could manage and he took a few seconds before he left. 

As soon as he shut the door, I broke down. I was more angry than anything else, but I was crying. Wailing actually. 

I was ready to bring down the Dellucci.

It was the next morning, I'd spent most of the night replaying the recording of my brothers planning their hit on Josh, reading both autopsy reports and crying involuntarily.

I showered and found clothes that were my size in the closet. I noticed that there were lingerie and costumes in my size too. They were very sure about me accepting their offer, but I wasn't about to prance around and dance for anybody.  I'd found some blue jeans and a white v-neck and threw it on. I felt weirdly calm about everything right now.

After I got ready I sat at the makeup vanity and spaced out into my thoughts.
How could they murder Josh.
How could they have consoled me afterwards and act as if they had no part in his death whatsoever.
It made no sense to me, how my own brothers could've betrayed me like this.

Memories of Josh trailed into my mind.
Anger, devastation, love, everything of the sort was overwhelming me and I was restless on the inside. The loudest theme of the chaos in my head was the way my brothers betrayed me.

My eyes welled up with tears, but I blinked them away.

I had requested to meet Luca and wasn't sure how that would be happening, but Nate busted into my room and walked towards me. I didn't even think I had the energy to fight him off if he came at me with a needle.

Then Nate cleared the hallway and revealed Luca behind him. I let out a gasp of relief as my eyes fell on Luca and I lunged out of the stool I was on. His large figure engulfed me and he nuzzled his face into my neck as I reached up to wrap my arms around his shoulders. Tears welled up in my eyes, Luca felt like the only person I had anymore.

He put his hands on my hips and his lips met mine, holding on for a second, then without creating distance between us, he straightened up and started to insult Nate, "Che cazzo ti ho detto vermi! Hai l'audacia di mettere un dito su mia moglie! vi appenderò tutti per le palle!" (What the fućk did I tell you worms! You have the audacity to put a finger on my wife! I'll hang you all by the balls.)

"Luca. It's fine." I ran a hand up his arm and on his shoulder. He raised a confused and agitated eyebrow at me and as he looked at my face now he seemed to notice that I wasn't okay.

"Arieon, what's wrong?" He whispered softly and one of his hands caressed my face. I sniffled and wiped at my eyes.

Nate left the room and I got to sob in Luca's arms as I told him everything my brothers had done, what the Toscani wanted from me and how I felt, from the pain to wanting to avenge Josh.

"After having lost the chance to be a part of a family to then think that I had been lucky enough to find Dom and Gio for them to betray me like this." My voice cracked.

"I won't understand how you feel, but you should take some time to process this, before doing anything rash-" Luca started, but I interrupted him with a scowl.

"Before doing anything rash! They killed my first love while we were together!" I seethed at Luca.

He looked like he was having trouble processing this himself. Thinking that it would be our fault for destroying everything but my brothers had already did that and were hiding it from everyone.

"I don't know, what going against them looks like and I know you all have an agreement. I'm not asking you to help me, but I need you." I searched his eyes.

"Okay. If this is what you want, then okay." Luca pulled me towards him and embraced me. "Come home with me." He whispered against my ear.

"I can't yet." I replied, "I'll see you again soon." I looked into his eyes and he pulled me closer, until I was cradled on his lap and in his arms. I felt calmer than I did all night, I felt seen and protected and it was nice after feeling all that pain and betrayal.

We fell back onto to bed and as I slowly felt myself slipping away into sleep, tears dropped from my eyes and I wondered if running away from everything was an option, then again I knew a point had to be made first so I could truly be left alone.

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