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Everyone was sleeping in their beds, a bit of light coming from either side of the room. Suddenly water starts rising from the floor. It reaches the recruits in their beds before they wake up and realize what's happening. They switch on their lights and stand on their beds to escape the water but it keeps rising.

"All right, no one panic." Charlie says. "Listen to me. Stay calm. Fuck." He fails to keep calm himself as everyone looks around and he points to the showers. "Loo snorkels, loo snorkels!" He says.

"Loo snorkels?" Eggsy asks confused but is ignored.

"Showerheads!" Roxy says.

"Showerheads?" He asks again, more confused, but still ignored.

"She's right! Go! Fucking go!" Charlie yells and everyone but Eggsy makes their way to the showers.

"Hey, hang about, what's wrong with the fucking door?" He's forced to take a quick inhale of breath as the water reaches his shoulders and then the ceiling. He swims to the door as Roxy and the others rip the shower heads off their mounts. He tries to pry open the door but it won't budge. They screw off the shower head and shove the tubing down into the toilets and past the U-bend giving them access to air. He looks back at them and tries the door again before he pushes off the wall and swims towards them. He stares at the mirror, noticing it's not a normal mirror, and swims to it. He grips a faucet in front of it and anchors himself down so he can hit the mirror with his fist. Merlin and Y/n stand on the other side, watching. Once the glass starts cracking they move to the side and out of the way. One more hit and the glass gives way, the recruits pour into the room and are piled onto each other against the wall.

Merlin looks at his watch and writes something down. "Congratulations on completing your first task." Y/n says as they cough to catch their breath and sit up. "Charlie, Roxy, well done. For those of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet, you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering. Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two way mirror."

"He's probably seen enough of them." Charlie says.

"Yeah, you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed." Merlin said. "You all forgot the most important thing... Teamwork." He points back into the room and they all stand and look. Amelia lays motionless on the wall behind the toilets.

"So much for classic Army technique." Eggsy says.

The next day Merlin stands on a balcony looking down at the recruits who are wearing plaid jumpsuits of various colors. Eggsy notices Y/n is nowhere to be found and frowns a bit at this. "As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman." Merlin says. "We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy." They look at the twelve stacked cages that hold different breeds of puppies. "Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it, you will teach it, and by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand?" They all nod. "Choose your puppy."

They walk to the cages and each recruit chooses a puppy. "A poodle?" Eggsy asks Roxy once they all line up again.

"What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train." She looks at the puppy Eggsy picked. "A pug?"

"It's a bulldog, innit?" He asked confused. She looks at him. "It will get bigger though, won't it?" She shakes her head with a sympathetic pout and he looks to a smirking Charlie. "Shit."

Later Merlin stands next to Harry's hospital bed. Harry has a breathing tube and various tubes and wires are on him. Y/n stands on his other side holding his hand with a worried look on her face and Arthur stands next to her. "His MRI shows no signs of concussion." Merlin says. "No direct brain trauma at all."

"How much longer can he be out?" Y/n asks barely glancing at him before looking back at her dad.

"That's the million dollar question. We don't know what he was exposed to in there."

"What about Harry's footage?" Arthur asks. "It didn't stream to his home terminal."

"Encrypted and uncrackable." Eggsy comes into the room then. "If and when he comes round, you might want to have a word with him about sharing his password."

"Is he gonna be alright?" Eggsy asks.

"We need to have patience, Eggsy. But there's hope, okay? If I was you, I'd concentrate on your training. Make it through the tests. Make him proud." Eggsy nods as he looks at Harry and then at Y/n. Merlin and Arthur leave the room leaving Eggsy and Y/n alone with the sleeping Harry.

Eggsy moved to stand closer to her. "How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine." She says.

"That's bullshit." She looks up at him. "I can see it in your eyes. You're not really fine with your dad like this."

She looked back down and sighed a bit. "You're right. But I can't just break down because of this. He wouldn't want that. Plus I know he won't die because of this. He's too stubborn." She smiled as Eggsy chuckled a bit. Then she felt a little nudge on her foot and looked down. Her face lit up once she saw the little pug pup and kneeled down to pet it. "I see you've all picked your puppies."


"A pug?" She looked up at him.

"I thought he was a bulldog."

She chuckled. "I can see how you'd get confused with their cute squish faces. But don't worry. Pugs are affectionate and clever. They're bred to be companions so they're very adaptable. He'll be a very good boy."

"You think?"

"Definitely. Have you given him a name yet?"

"I was thinking of Jack Bauer, J.B. for short."

"J.B. I like it."

"Thanks." He smiled. After a moment of silence he spoke up again. "Hey, I was wondering, how did you become a Kingsman? I mean, obviously you didn't come here like me because you're dad and all that, but you're not like the others that I'm here with."

"Well, that's kind of a loaded question."

"You don't have to answer I was just curious."

"No, it's okay. I guess I just grew up with it seeing how it's always been just me and my dad. Seeing him save so many people, I wanted to be like that. I never imagined being anything else."

"You don't have any other family? A mum or something?" When she gave a sad smile he immediately went wide eyed. "I'm so sorry. Shit. I shouldn't have asked that."

"It's okay, Eggsy." She laughed a bit at his flustered state. "My mum died when I was a baby and I have an uncle, aunt and cousin. We're kinda close but I don't see them often. My uncle doesn't really like my dad." They lapse into a comfortable quiet before she stands up, J.B. whining from the sudden lack of pets, and she smiles at Eggsy. "We should get back then. Merlin is right. You should focus on your training. Come on." He watches her as she leaves the room and follows a second after.

Galahad's Daughter (Eggsy Unwin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now