A, SUMMER '87, 8am.

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I don't remember the instinct to turn my head-- or what initially made my eyes drawn towards the figure that embodied you. Maybe it was the aroma of fresh coffee grounds and the sound of tainted love echoing through your car's open window. Your brown hair had an "I can't be tamed" additude, either that, or you couldn't be bothered to brush it. Yet your unruly hair didn't cover up your face though, a virtue I found appealing.
It had to be 'round 8am. People on bikes zoomed past on their way, competitively racing to see who could get to school first. The sun had barely begun to rise, headlights were blinding as they curved towards the cafe. That's where you came in. You blared music through your car, leaving it on as if to mock the people sitting outside of the cafe with the tone deafness of it. You didn't look at me when you walked past, you probably didn't even notice everyone was staring at you, either from your arrogance or boldness, a line that was blurred. But I let myself become enveloped.
I sat still for a moment after you walked past, trying to remember the swagger in your walk or if I had just imagined it. Though I was quite annoyed at the disturbance you caused, I sipped my coffee and let my eyes finally return to the book in my hands. Since it was a hand-me-down type of book, It had already been used. The owner(s) before myself had scribbled notes into the pages, perhaps leaving a trail as I had done, doggy eared and marked up each page of interest. I had been trying to finish this book for months, but finally, without distraction of classes, I was able to start accomplishing things I had been meaning to do. I flipped the next page of my book carelessly, cursing at myself when the page had torn. Raising the book up in annoyance from my lap to the table, I had managed to knock over my coffee— a voice yelled out my name,
"Abrielle!" most likely my father, the owner of the coffee shop, and my boss. I couldn't have much of a break, even over summer. I put my coffee stained book onto the table, dusting off my apron as I got onto the cement to clean it up. Though painful, my knees dug into the gravel, trying my best to pick up the shards of ceramic around the chair i was sitting in. I glanced up upon seeing a shadow cast the sun's view and therefore my view of fallout of my coffee disaster.
"Abrielle, was it?"
And there you were.

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