Part 2

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it was 7:00 i was all packed up and ready i all ready said good byes then i reamebered "shit my trainer"i know every miteral arts and boxing and ect but my dojo lives close bye and i need to say good bye i ran out the door to go to his house i was a block away then i was al most hit by a car.......why...... the guy got out to my surprise it ws ace "tess wth god i almost killed you!!!!!"i know but"then i remebered the dojo was on vacation "oh wait nvm shit sry about that can we go "ummm sure your bags are in the car so lets go "we got to the airport aroud 8:08 i told him i needed to go to the bath room i got in thare and thare was this snuby looking lady about 40 years old in thare i did my buisness whent to wash my hands  she bumped into me i just smiled at her then she gasped and started to hit me repetely with her hand bag saying"you devil of a chiled this is the womens resroom "and throwen cus words at me and i was blocking my head i kept telling her to stop she fallowed me out and yelled "secerity arrest this boy was in the girls room "i glared at her then ran!!! i couldet lose them with out a huge crowed then i saw one i ran right into it and lost them i was looking for ace i saw just in time  i hide right behide him when the offercers walked pass us he was laughing his ass off "did you just run away from secerity why"ill tell you later lets go wait where are we going"italy are dad is rich "oh and let me guess im legit a female virsion of him "yep john was the only one that looked more like him but your eyes are more like dads and pale like him but john is tan"am i the only half sibling"nope dad had john with one women the rest of us brothers come from the same women that left dad about 16 years ago he the meet your mom which i liked more then my own mom they got married had a son but he died at birth that was 14 years ago then thet started to fight then they tried to fix it"i get go on"ok it didt work and got divorced and we had no idea she was prangnet untill now dad gave up on love and just....had one nights stands with extra protation when he needed to and if you ask me i think hes happy to have a daughter even rhough he had a straght face i caught him smiling when he got the news about out about you but hide it quikly the flight is about....umm...three hours and were going on a privet jet "ok"we borded as i was seated the flight attedets gave us drinks but one was spiked or druged thare was these powder stuff in it"hey ace what is this powder stuff that shouldet be in my pretiocs milk(and yes im crazy for mik)"oh shit hold on "he got on the phone we laded in queens new york he asked me wich flight atedet gave me it i poited to the man and he was arrested we took off again"what was that "nothing dout worry about it"ok fine dout tell me eny way can you tell me about my new brothers"ok john is 22 hes 6'6 stubern rude and a big meani but his heart isent that cold and black....hopefully "what dose that mean"he never opens up to eny one and he is kinda nice to dad in his way and you seem to be very stubbern like him and mabye you can brack his think tall wall he puts up"ok...i gues"im the seconed oldest im 22 in 4 mouths im nice and actuly has a heart and 6'5 then thares jacob hes 21 his the prankster laughs at every thing then jack and josh thare twins thare 20 they are quit calm and genises like realy smart and drack his 19 and  a bad boy and player and loses his temper easily like john he hates every one and tends to punch us in the arms and stuff like that and destice torwords us "why i may ask"he was mommys boy and she left us out off the blue 8 when that happed then thares mick hes very bright nicer then me smiles more and his very flexable he was seven when mom left and dad divorced like two years after having him but had like a off and on relashenship for five years then dad had enogh then won cusudy of all of us"may i ask about johns mom"ummm well lets see ok johns mom was a toy to dad she just tuck aroud while dad was marreid to my mom then when the twins were just about two mouths she got cancer and died she was a very nice lady she loved john and the rest off us she new off it broke john at such a young age "she souds sweet just like my mother yep thats what we thought "

hey my devils hpe you loved it <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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