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Bakougo POV

They called my parents and talked about my treatment and all the details

"We will have to get u started on chemo soon so, your have to put off hero training for a while"

"How long is a while" I said. I hate to admit it but i was still crying a bit, but not enough to let anyone notice it

"Well we dont know it all depends on your body and now the chemo affects everything"

Damn it doc, im gonna need more the just that

"Can I go back to school at least?"

"Yes, since there is a great medical system at your school you will be allowed to do your chemo at school, but not until your body is fully adjusted to it, so that means a couple weeks here then we can release you into Recovery girl's care"

I nodded and stared out the window at least I can keep up with my work, and i will train every chance i get. This wont stop me from being a Hero. I swear on my life. 




So far i've been here almost 5 days since, and i've just feel sick. My parents finally came last week after their business trip to America and they've been here with me, so i don't let it show that i feel sick because i dont want them to miss anymore work because of me. 

They are actually at work right now as im going through the the crappy hospital channels looking for anything good to watch. 

"Hey Bakougo" i hear from the doorway.              
I look up to see IcyHot standing there

"Hey, what you want" i respond trying to sound once again like my strong, ego-filled, normal self

"I wanted to apologize" he said as he cautiously took a couple steps into the room

"For fucking what?" i asked confused as fuck

" it's my fault your here" He begins, "I didn't mean to hit you so hard that it lands you in the hospital" he finishes with a sharp apologetic bow

I burst out laughing. you stood up and just stared confused

"You idiot you didnt send me here ca-" I stopped, i can't tell him, he'll go tell the class and it will turn into a huge 'pity Bakougo party' all day every day

"What?" He said

"Nothing I just passed out from exhaustion from not getting sleep at night since im mostly training, Ill be back in a couple of weeks"

"Why weeks?, why not days?, is somthing  wrong, did I hurt you too much"

"Again IcyHot it isn't your fucking fault im in this bed" i state again, this time much sternly. I can tell he isnt going to believe me unless i tell him the actual truth

Fucking hell i hate this, but i cant see him suffer like that its been almost a week since tat battle and i can tell its been eating away at him

When did i get a sweet spot?

"Icyh- Todoroki" i say softly but enough for him to hear. He stared at me a bit shocked that i used his actual name but i continued, "I have cancer"

Todo POV

He has cancer, no no no, not my love, well this is really one sided, but it wasnt me I dont have to feel so guilty, but I do feel bad for him, i mean i do love him i have since I've met him, I dont want anything bad to happen to him, damn don't cry, dont cry, shit why can't i  stop rambling to myself

"Bakougo, I'm so sorry" I said trying to keep a straight face but failing as i fall into the wall and slide down

"Why are u crying" i didn't answer, i just stared at the ground
"Damn ICYHOT answer me"

I looked at him " this isn't how it was suppose to go, i was suppose to tell u"

"Tell me what" he asked confused and a bit angry


He said my name, he said my legal name

"Katsuki Bakougo, i....i...."

I paused, is now a good time, is he even gay. Oh My God. I dotn even know if he's gay or not

Damn it please dont hate me

"I Love you"

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