The Seven Evils

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When the world first began and Evil was what ran the earth... Along with Demons and Monsters there were Seven Beings which were known as the Original Evils who transcended the rest by a large amount. Athotia, Kara, Tychi, Emi, Vasario, Exusia and Leomos and when translated equals to Innocence, Karma, Fortune, Obsession, Torment, Power and War.

These seven are what kept the world dark for so long. Although they were different they were all linked together. So when the Wizard was able to take one of them down, he was able to take the rest down with them and lock them in the box for many years.

Being stuck in the box for so long made the seven combine and merge with one another to create one giant force instead of their individual selves so once someone opened the box they could inhabit that person all together to create something which would overcome the wizard or anyone else who was able to overcome them individually. 

And they were right. In fact they couldn't have asked for a better vessel to occupy. Virgo.

Once inhabited, all the aspects came together to form the birth of Murasaki Otome or The Purple Maiden as you all may know. Although the Maiden herself is a strange creature despite all her power. For example who she is, is rather hard to decipher. Is she completely original? Is she a brainwashed Virgo or both? Yes the girl was completely ripped to shreds but the choices she makes does bring up questions. For example her default human figure choice is a girl with brown hair and green eyes and her hatred of Old Angels and Sorcerers remain with her also. Yet she doesn't have any past memories what so ever nor holds really any value to life itself. (At the beginning of her life anyway.) So is the Maiden really a new person or still Virgo in some way? Being honest I can't even answer that.

Despite these factors however. What keeps the Maiden 'alive' is the original evils inhabiting her body. They aren't what they were before by any means but yet they still hold some form of sentence, yet it still seems to die off the longer she exists. They remain silent through the Dark Age where Murasaki remains with her evil ways but as soon as she meets Stephano, things start to change drastically. Her evil actions started to decline along with her re-thinking her past decisions which brought back the sentence of the creatures within her. This was because they didn't have anywhere to vent. Now that their host had stopped their evil actions, there was nowhere for their power to properly go. That, or if she kept up her actions for a few years longer their sentence would have gone completely and they would have officially become apart of Murasaki. 

But that didn't happen.

Instead they searched for another way to vent.; in case Murasaki did end up ditching her old life for good in tern for a new one. So they waited. For you see, Demons only become pregnant if they want to become pregnant. The same ability goes for Murasaki. But since the evils now had the ability to effect her, they instead forced her to become impregnated by ramping up her sexual desires towards the man in order for her to actually act apon them. Which she did.

They wanted her to have a child as a way to escape into a new host since they were connected. They were able to enter the child's body over time if they chose to since they had gotten to the stage they weren't able to leave their original host anymore unless they found a way to travel to another. This being her child.

However, they made her have twins instead of a singular child. This was so they had a second chance if you will in case one of the two either died or the fact they simply had a back up vessel instead of their former one. Which is why the Maiden was also given twins instead of a singular baby.

Their plan was going rather smoothly, however they couldn't effect the babies while in the womb. Instead they needed to wait for them to be born. One thing which they hated was the fact the babies were half human. Causing them to be weaker then they wanted. Not to mention the fact that their original host was now a lot weaker since their power had been drained into the babies. But only a good 50%. Which wasn't enough. 

So instead they made the Maiden force the removal of their human DNA and replaced it with her own, causing the link between the babies and their mother to be even stronger. However, the link to the red baby was more stronger then the blue baby. Not only because the red baby was older but because she was their prime choice for their next vessel, so they forced more into her then the other baby.

Though as stated, the babies weren't fully demons so this sudden change in their system left their physical forms unstable and needed their skin to be stitched together in some places. Apart from their fragile outer shell, this appeared to be the only down side.

Then came the Maidens death and the separation of the Evils once again. Although they were still linked to the Maiden herself, they could now act individually if they desired despite being extremely limited and trapped to their own individual Vessels. But they were still linked to her and the babies. So all they could do was wait and see what the future held.


This is when we split into different endings for Scela. The 'Good' ending and the 'Bad' ending.

 The Good ending is when all the Vessels are collected and brought back together along with the Maidens host which leads to her resurrection. This results in the Seven Evils finally becoming apart of Murasaki instead of creatures inside her and can no longer effect her actions or choices but she still remains with the same power she always had.

The Bad ending results in too much passage of time and one serious event. This is when the Evils had enough time waiting and were given enough time to now become linked to the eldest twin and be separated from Murasaki herself. The eldest being Reina Otome. Despite being connected to her instead, this isn't enough for the seven evils to fully consume her like they did with her mother. This leads us to the serious event; the youngest's twins death. Although pretty much everyone in Scelavera wishes for the twins to be dead, the act could actually be what places the world back into another Dark Era. Since this is what allows the evils to properly inhabit their 'Heir', creating the 'New Maiden' and leading to Murasaki's death and the timeline repeating itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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