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CHAPTER FOURGROUNDER ACCOUNTER "i don't want to live another life because this ones pretty nice"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"i don't want to live another life because this ones pretty nice"

Dylan tapped her foot impatiently against the ground. Bellamy, Murphy, Clarke, Wells and Finn had left to find Jasper. She was hated waiting. She had been doing just that for her entire life on the Ark. At least that was what it felt like. On the Ark, you were always bored. Unless you were hanging out without someone like Dylan, or Murphy. The two never had a dull moment, until he got locked up. After that, life was pretty dull. Well, except for the small stunts she pulled like the one that landed her on earth.

     Still, she couldn't stand the wait. She had grown accustomed to Jasper, and his friendly banter with Monty, and though she didn't really feel like showing it, she was actually slightly worried about the lanky guy. He was speared, which meant that the chances of him actually being alive was low. But she was going to hold on to the small string of hope that he actually was.

The fact that Dylan had managed to escape was a miracle. She didn't even have bruise. Well, she did have a few scratches from fighting the grounder (they had all decided to call whoever had attacked them grounders). When she returned to camp everyone was shocked to say least. The four that had left her and Jasper behind especially.

     She and made sure to yell at them for it, but she understood it. She would probably have done the same. They had known each other more than a day, so why would they risk their lives for her?

     Dylan sat beside Monty. He had been left behind because according to Clarke they needed his brain. He was apparently too smart to be risked. Dyl agreed with Clarke on this one. He was one of the few delinquents who actually was useful. Of course, Monty was bummed. His best friend, someone so close to him, was speared and he didn't know if he still was alive. The only thing he could do right now, was try his best at making a radio to get in cotnact with Ark. It was their best- if not only- shot at survival.

     Dylan was bored out of her mind. She wanted to do something that took her mind off of things. But Bellamy didn't even allow her to leave camp while they went away. In fact, he had put Atom to watch over her and Octavia. He had said he didn't want any guys touching them. It was ridiculous in Dylan's mind. She was a big girl, she could take care of herself. And if anything, Atom seemed more than interested in Octavia.

     They had left shortly after Clarke had checked Dylan for any wounds. Plus, she had wrapped a piece of clothing thightly around Dylan's gash on her thigh as a makeshift bandage.

     Dylan sat up, peering out to look at the small camp site. Atom stood infront of Octavia. At the moment, it looked like he didn't focus on anything other than her. Dylan smirked to herself, deciding to take the chance. She flew to her feet, waving at Monty while yelling a goodbye before storming out of the drop ship. She quickly ran past Octavia and Atom, none of them noticing her. She kept running, until she no longer could she the camp anymore. She bent over, her palms planted on her bent knees. She breathed heavily, noting to herself that she should work on her stamina.

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