Chapter Twenty Two

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The police men held me from entering, I could feel Khalid's eye gazing through my soul so deep that I could swear he is seeing every bit of my bodies reaction.

He had a red eye and I have never seen him so angry as he was that night. He handed the gun to the police officer and made his way outside.

He stopped for a while and looked at me, then smiled and shook his head.

You think you are smart don't you? He asked without looking at me and went to the police car.

The police prevented me from entering and said it was a crime scene and they called an ambulance right away.

I shouted Maman Zainab's name till I could shout no more hoping to hear her answer. There was no response and I was so worried and I just wanted them to finish what ever they are doing in that house for me to enter and check her.

First, it was a man's body that was founded. He  was still breathing but he had bruises all over him and a burnt on his face. I was so relieved that it was not Maman Zainab's body.

Mama hugged me and tried to calm me down. I couldn't resist pushing her aside and exiting from her warm hugs when I saw the police men carrying a second body outside. I rushed to them and I opened the face of the corpse they closed with a piece of white cloth.

I opened and it was Samira's body. Innalillahi wa inna ilaih raji'un, I said loudly and held my mouth with amusement of seeing the dead body of Samira.

I looked to my right and saw them with a third body and I quickly ran to them.

Maman Zainab! I called out but there was no response.

"Is she still alife"? I asked.

"Yes she is, but she is in a critical state. She would have to be rushed to the hospital immediately", he answered.

I shook my head and followed them.

"Young woman allow us to do our job. We will take her to hospital by ourselves. My team members will take care of that. Lets have a sit over there. There are few questions I would like to ask you".

I followed my uncle and narrated everything that had happened.

Why didn't you look for me? Or tell me everything about it? You know I am a police officer and also your uncle, dealing with this people is very dangerous and life threatening.I cannot let anything happen to you.

"Uncle, Khalid have been getting away with his evil deeds since I have ever known him. He is rich and rich people are above law in some part of this country. You know that well", I said looking at him.

I understand. But we have trained policemen, we are totally changed from what people think about us, he replied in a more convincing way.

He stood up and I followed him to Mama. He asked about Samira's family because they needed to call them to come carry her dead body the next day and Mama told him everything that he needed knowing including her parent's whereabout and contacts.


I could not believe I was being decieved by Aminatu all this while. I couldn't snap out from her thoughts and the way she looked so rough and bloody when I saw her earlier.

I am going to make her pay for all this, not with her life but I am going to make her watch people that mean so much to her die in her presence. I am going to cage her in my own little world and make her answerable to my commands at all time.

I did not say a word through out the journey to the police station because I was lost in thoughts of Aminatu. Being arrested is the least of my worries now.

We arrived and I jumped off the car and followed them into the police station reception.

The police told me I would pass the night out in the cell and I couldn't hold up the laughter from coming out.

"It is like you don't know me sir, do not be decieved by this your uniform. I can take your job from you with just one call away", I answered.

I said please keep all your valuables here Mr. Khalid and come with me, He replied with out looking at me.

I guess he is stubborn, I thought to myself and I moved few inches away to call the commissioner of police.

Few minutes later, the man came out and handed me some of my things and told me that he was given directives to let me go and sleep in my house. But I would have to come back in the morning and I would have to go with some police officer to my house because they would be the ones to return me back to my house in the morning.

He turned and left me with some police men after given them directives on what to do.

They drove me to my house and assigned themselves to every corner of the house and I had to call the commissioner to explain how inconvenient that was.

"Hello commissioner wannan tsaron yayi tsanani. Mutanen ka suna nan a ko ina. I can not even sleep in peace", I said as he picked the call.

"Yallaboi hakuri zakayi. Haka ya kamata. Kasan wannan gwamnatin bata wasa da hukuma" he replied.

"How can you just say that, everyone loves money. I have alot of them. Just name the price and set me free", I replied.

I will see what I can do. But please just abide anything they tell you and I will make sure you are out of all these.

"Yanzu naji kayi magana". I replied and off the phone and I slept with the thoughts of Aminatu


It was already subh and we were still there. Abubakar drove us to Mama's house and he had no option than to stay and sleep alittle before eating breakfast and going home to change his clothes.

Mama told me uncle had been following Khalid's crime case along while ago when she told him about my kidnapping till date.

At around 10am uncle called Mama to come and meet them at the police station. And she called Abubakar to come and meet us at Our house so that we could go together.

He arrived few minutes later with his sister Mariya. And I was sure she doesn't love me because of the way she looked at me. I greeted them as I called mama to get set.

Upon our arrival at the police station, we met Samira's parents and her mum was crying her heart out at the enterance of the station.

I ran to hug her and she was so surprised to see me. Mama helped in narrating all what had happened to her parents.

Her Dad was devastated and felt ashamed of being her father.

Abba hakuri zakayi. Na yafe mata har abadan, may her soul rest in perfect peace and may we all meet in Aljannatul Furdaus.

Ameen!!. We all answered and Mama adviced them to do her Janaza right away without wasting time.

Her mum held my hands into hers and expressed how sorry she was about everything.

They left and Khalid came in almost immediately . I eyed him with disgust but then he held my hands untill uncle came and stopped him.

What is wrong with you Mr. Khalid? He asked him hitting his hands to release mine.

She is wrong with me, he said pointing at me. Do you think this is the end of all this? Khalid asked me and I couldn't hide my fear.


Much love



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