the rescue

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n/a this is going to be a long chapter so woohoo enjoy =)

slenders POV

i started to open my eyes and  sat up a little. i looked around the room and relized i was in the hosptle. the nurse walked in and siad i was out for a week. your brothers were woried ill go get them. the 3 of them started to ask questions and soon enough i tell them every thing that happened. the nurse siad i could leave so we telported back home. "ok we need to rescue ruby and get her back all i no is that they moved." i wasnt the only one who wanted her back. i no where the live now its far from here but ive fowlled them. ok then lets o get he." as i got up slpender grabbed my hand and we teliported to where ruby was. i teliported carfully into every room and i couldnt find her. i went to the base ment last. before i stepped on to the ground there was a big puddle of blood surounding a bed with chains." oh no ruby." i ran over to her and checked to see if she was even breathing. i started to  cry a little and she was barly brething i new what i had to do. its time to kill. before i did anything i found the key and unchained ruby and telported to the hosptle.

rubys POV

dream"please stop slender help me please. i let out a cry and started to cry so hard and i screamed in pain as my own dad hit me with a metal bar and stabed me. help me some one please and soon  i was in a puddle of my own blood. end of dream. i wake up screaming and slender runs over to me and starts to hug me as tight as he could. i started to cry."ruby its ok im here now and im sorry its ok." he siad in a cooling calm voice. shhh its ok. soon i calmd down relizing that i was in the hosptle. i looked up at slender who had just picked me up and i didnt even notice. " ruby i promise this will never happen agian to you i promise." he siad as he puts me back into bed.

slenders pov

i jump to here ruby scream and i run over to her and start to hug her and i pick her up."ruby its ok im here and im sorry its ok. after a couple mins she starts to calm down. i sit her down and tell her that this will never happen agian. the nurse runs in to see what happend and i tell her that she had a really bad nightmare. well its time. sorry ruby. i promise  that ill wait right here for you i promise ok ruby. she looks at  me as she falls back to sleep. "im oing to go down and bring her to the scaning room ok james." the nurse says as she and some doctors start to grab her and put her on a portble bed and they run her out of the room and into the mir. if she comes back pos she can leave with us if its neg agian shes going to have to stay here another week. i let out a sigh and pop back home and grab something and telport back.

rubys pov 

i wake up and notice that where in a different ent hospitle room and sitting right next to me in a chair is slender with a colorful bag. i look at him as hes sitting there reading something."sl-slender" he looks at me."ruby your up " i pecks me on my forhead and hands me the bag."what is it." i ask with a puzzled look on my face. "a little somthing to a pogigize."you didnt have to slen-" i get cut off as the nurse walsks into the room with some paper. "ok so theres bad news and good news what do you want to here first. slender looks at me and i say." bad" well youll be stuck in bed for another week before you can move the ood news is that we came back pos so you can go home.

that night

slenders pov

i wake up to here screaming and i run into rubys bedroom and turn on the light."ruby wake up please wake up." i pick her up and she wakes up and looks up at me. i start to here start wimpers and i sit her back into her bed. i lay next to her and play with her hair for a little bit and notice that she still hasnt opend her present. i get up and she grabs my hand. " slender wait please will you stay with me please. i walk over and turn off the lights and walk back over to where she was sitting. i lay down and i pull ruby closer to me and we both fall  asleep.

woohoo so i thought the song i had posted at the begining of this chapter would set the mood for whats happening and its called bad apple its a really good song and there is lyrics to it and i ow n nothing in the vidio. if you have heard this song before this is just a different version. and also happy holidays everone. 1 more thing im coming to a close close on this one only a few more chapters left. until next weekend everone enjoy your hot choclet and egg nog and enjoy my peeps

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