Chapter 35- Business event

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I slipped my diamond earring in my ear and smiled at Tyberias as he stepped inside our room.

I frowned when he didn't compliment me, only stood there and gaped.

"What's wrong? Do you not like my dress?" I asked self consciously.

"Do I not like it? I want to pin you against the bed and eat you out until your legs are shaking and you can't take it anymore, and then I want to fùck you senselessly until the only thing you can remember is my name. Does that answer your question? Sembri sbalorditivo (you look stunning)" He growled.

"Grazie. Sei anche molto bello (thank you. You also look very handsome)." I smiled at him. He raised his eyebrows as he heard me speak Italian for the first time.


"I've been taking some classes on duo lingo" I stated proudly.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any sèxier, you surprise me by speaking Italian." He said

I smiled as I felt him stand behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I placed my hands above his and drowned in his embrace. He was so big and muscular compared to me and I loved it.

He leaned down and dug his face in the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply and sighed. "You smell so good" he groaned. He began kissing along the column of my neck and I moaned lightly.

He spun me around peppered kisses along my jaw, my cheeks, the corner of my mouths.

I began to get frustrated because he wasn't kissing me in the place I need it most.

I lightly groaned, grabbing his collar to stop him.
"Kiss me, Tyberias" I breathed out

"I am kissing you" he grinned.

"Here" I said and patted my lips

"If you insist" he said before crashing his lips down on mine. I moaned and reached my hands up to play with his hair. I didn't even care that I was ruining my lips gloss, all that mattered was him and I.

He groaned into the kiss as it began to get more intense. I felt his tongue lips my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter, which I gladly obliged to.

His hands went down and gave my ass a firm squeeze, pushing his hips against mine. His fingers pushed their way into my dress through the large slit and rested on my bare àss. All of a sudden they began searching for something. He frowned and pulled away when he didn't find it.

"Why can't I find your panties?" He groaned

"Because I'm not wearing any" I smiled

"Fuck, are you trying to kill me?" He sighed and rested his forehead on mine.

I pecked his lips, "you'll survive" I said and began to walk away towards the door.

"Come on, we'll be late" I said and turned around as I reached the door. I found his eyes glued to my àss before quickly snapping to mine.

He cleared his throat and followed behind me.

•_• •_• •_• •_•

I sat in the limousine and waited for Tyberias. Deciding he was taking too long I began to reapply my red lip gloss. Soon after, I saw him walking out of our house rather awkwardly.

Bøner alert.

I opened the door, got in and told the driver to begin. I shuffled over next to him and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to his warm body.

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