Bonus Chapter 2- Adrian

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"I'll have another one of whatever the fuck this is." I said to the bartender as I slammed the empty glass on the counter.

Tyberias and Juliana's wedding ended a couple hours ago and the first place I went was the bar.

I was really happy for them but upon reflecting, it had only shown my how truly alone I actually was.

I wasn't exactly jealous of my brother. I knew he and Juliana were amazing for each other. I just wanted to experience the type of love they had. I want to look at someone with the same admiration and adoration that he had for her.

I mean, I was 26 for fùck sake. I was bored of the one night stands and meaningless flings that I was used to. I wanted to settle down.

"I said, get... off me." I heard someone huff. I turned my head to the side and squinted to try and see what was happening. The darkness in the club wasn't helping at all.

"So, you want to dress like that, dance with me and think you can just leave me with a hard on? You knew what you were getting yourself into. Now stop moving so much, my car is just around the corner." The man said as he put his hands in the girl's waist and tried to drag her out the door.

"S-Stop. What the fùck did you put in my drink. Why is everything... b-blurry?" The girl said as her eyes because to slowly open and close. It didn't take an idiot to figure out what was going on.

I quickly jumped to my feet and moved towards them, bumping into several people in the process, but I didn't care. All I was focussed on was helping the semi-unconscious girl.

"She said stop" I said as I approached them. The man instantly halted and turned to me.

"Listen, bro. It's not what it looks like." He said.

"Really? Because it looks like drugged this girl and are taking her home without her consent." I stated and the man's eyebrows raised, knowing he'd been caught.

"Nah, man. We're actually friends, I was just dropping her off home since she's too drunk to drive." He said.

"N-No... help" the girl said. The man must've pinched her or something since she then flinched under his grip and winced in pain.

"She doesn't mean that, do you?" He fakely smiled at the girl, but I didn't miss the warning look he gave her.

"Listen here because I'm not going to repeat myself. I'm going to give you 10 second to get the hell out of here, and if not..." I began and moved the side of my jacket so he could clearly see my silenced pistol. "Let's just say you'll probably be walking out here limping. Am I clear?" I smiled to myself when I saw his eyes glint in fear.

"Whatever, man, she's not even all that. You can have her." He said and shoved her in my direction while rushing out of the club. I caught her before she could hit the floor.

"What's your address, I can drive you home if you want." I said to her but heard no response. The lack of light made it hard to see her but I presumed that she was now fully unconscious as her body was limp in my arms. I sighed out loud, debating on what to do with her. I couldn't just leave her here alone with a bunch of strangers and I didn't know where she lived so the only thing I would do was bring her to my house where she could stay the night.

I tugged down on her short dress to cover more of her up before placing my hands on the back of her things and picking her up bridal style. We were already near the exit so it didn't take long for us to leave.

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