First Day

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me and amy had been in the car for the past 3 hours.. i was extremely tired and just wanted to sleep forever, I couldn't wait to reach university, I have so much to do, I can't wait to finally start studying however amy wasn't so ready..

after an hour or two, we finally reach there, I stepped out of the car slowly, and noticed how beautiful crystal was.. it was huge!! I was even more excited than before after seeing the outside of it.. I'd also noticed that amy had fallen asleep in the car, i shook her and whispered "amy we're here" she shook me off as if she didn't care, I didn't have the patient to wait for her but i had to, I couldn't just leave her.. hm i thought. I took my water bottle out, and i knew what i was about to do wasnt right but i opened the lid without making a noise making sure i didn't wake her up and spilt all of my water on her.. she reacted immediately, she jumped and started screaming "COLD COLD COLD! WHAT IS THAT-" I felt guilty but couldn't stop laughing either.. amy didn't seem to find it very funny though she gave me the death look, but i couldn't take her seriously enough.
The whole university was staring at her.. and i immediately felt guilty. I looked for a towel in my bag so that she could dry herself, i finally found one after seconds and handed it to her. amy was shivering.. her hair was cold and wet, her clothes were absolutely wet and she looked as if she was about to murder me.. I helped her out of the car, getting wet myself and we starting walking around, finding our room..

"i hate you for this" she said angrily, I started laughing loudly and took it as a joke, I honestly couldn't take her seriously when she was angry. "i'm sorry haha, you just won't budge and that's the only thing i could do" amy looked mad "yeah sure that's the ONLY thing you could do, well done you just embarrassed me in front of everything and your still taking it as a joke.. it's not funny" she stormed off, I immediately chased after her. I didn't think she'd take my joke seriously.. I mean it was only suppose to be a joke and a little bit of water never hurt anyway.. I hope she's not upset with me. "amy amy, it's just a joke and plus your gonna leave me all alone like that?!" I hoped that'd get a bit of sense into her.. she didn't reply and just stormed off again. well i thought all alone again..

i started looking for my room and bumped into a girl, she was tall, had blue eyes and blonde.. she stood up and gave me a dirty look as if i had just came out of the trash.. "did you just trip me over?" i don't know what she was talking about, She's the one who wasn't looking where she was going.. but of course i didn't say that, I didn't want to get in bad terms with anyone on my first day.. "oh i'm so sorry, I didn't notice" I said as kindly she looked me up and down.. and then started laughing "are you new around her? you looked like a brat. I don't know why she was being so mean.. we both weren't looking where we were going and just bumped into each other, I didn't know what to do. should i walk away? if i did, it looked as if i'm scared of her, I ignored that she had just called me a brat and with a smile on my face said "yes i'm new around here my names em hi" she rolled her eyes, why was she so mean to me? what did i do? she acted as if she ruled the university. "i didn't ask what your name was "em" I'll just let you know that im megan and nobody dares to face me, I have a lot of power in this school.. so don't try anything" i was so confused, I wasn't going to try anything. This wasn't a very good start to the first day of university.. megan opened her mouth to say something but i wasn't ready to speak about anything else and just walked away quickly..

this wasn't what i expected on the first day of university, I'd already made an enemy.

em.. pathetic. I can't believe she embarrassed me like that in front of everyone, she dared to push me down..  she sure doesn't know what's coming for her. Why was she being so nice even though i was so mean to her? I bet she's being nice, to impress everyone. I'm sorry for her though.. because everyone loves me at this school and nobody will be able to take over my place.

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