Stitches and Snuggles Make Everything Better

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Dean looked down at Cas, brushing some stray hair off his face and squeezing his hand affectionately.

"I'm such an idiot, Cas," he mumbled, "I'm sorry."

He didn't care if Sam heard him in the kitchen, he just wanted Cas to hear. Dean leaned over Cas and pressed a kiss into his forehead, squeezing his hand once more.

"I'm right here. M'not going anywhere."

He put his magazine down and took a long drink from his beer.

Sam peaks through the door, "Dean, l'm going into town for some stuff. You need anythin'?"

He glances at Cas, expression softening a bit then looking back to his older brother.

"Some Ace bandages. But that's it," he focuses on Cas, "I never should have left him. I should have stayed near him."

"'s not your fault."

"I know. I just...I don't know."

He heard the door close and lock and the Impala drive off. Dean put his head in his hands and takes a deep sigh.

"Dean..." Cas finally murmurs so quietly Dean almost doesn't hear him.


His head shoots up from where it had been in his hands and his eyes train on Cas.

"What...happened..?" Cas asked, trying to sit up on his elbows-though only managing to fall back on the bed.

"Hey hey hey, easy. That vampire really gotcha...and I don't need you popping any of those stitches."

"Did you - "

"Did I kill it? Yeah. Did I get hurt? No more that a few bruises. You scared the hell out of me, though."

"Dean, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get in the way."

Dean laid a kiss on the top of Cas's hand, "don't be. Its my fault for leaving you behind the barn."

" wasn't your fault."

"You and Sam keep saying that, and it's starting to sound like a broken record," he kisses Cas on the forehead once more with a tiny smile, "I'm just happy you're okay."

Cas's hand finds its way up Dean's arm to where the aged scar of his hand print was still peeking out of Dean's sleeve.

"Hm, forgot about this."

"I didnt...I went through this for you..." Cas confessed. It was his soul purpose to protect Dean. His destiny. His life.

He couldn't let Dean think that it was his fault. That it was his fault he was hurt. Because all of this was his choice. His choice to watch over Dean, his beloved.

"Hey, c'mon babe, thats the past. Look, I want you to get some rest and take it easy. I'll get you some food."

The lock clicked and the door opened. A moment later, Sam knocked on the doorframe and looked in.

"How's Cas?"

"Hello, Sam," Cas greets hoarsely.

"Hi,'s the - " he swirls his hand in a vague circle in the direction of Cas's abdomen.

Dean cuts in for him, "he hasn't popped any stitches yet. And I was just gonna make some food."

Sam runs a hand through his hair, "okay. I just bought, like, some microwave dinners. And some pain meds just in case. Oh, uh, here," he chucks Dean a couple rolls of Ace bandages.

Dean nods his thanks. And leaves for the kitchen to 'cook'.

"Thank you, Sam." Cas flops his hand to his head - grunting from fatigue.

He could hear the microwave running and beeping before Dean came back into the room, two plates in one hand and a glass in the other.

He helped Cas sit up against the pillows, and set the plate of some sort of chicken in sauce on his lap.

"The box said it was some sort of Italian stuff. I hope its good." He pulls a small bottle of pills from his pocket, "some painkillers if you need 'em."

"I give you my gratitude," Cas leans in and kisses Deans cheek real quick before retreating and staring at the meal in his lap.

"What? Somethin' wrong?"

Dean looks over at him, hand on his shoulder. At fist he thought it was Cas's injury, but it wasn't bleeding.

"Cas? Babe, what is it?"

"I think I need a utensil."

Deans mind blanked for a minute before the sentence reloaded.

"Oh. Right. Gotcha."

He set his own plate down and ran to the kitchen for some. He cane back and handed a fork to Cas with a kiss.

"Anything else?"


Dean rolled his eyes, "you know what i mean."

He clapped Cas playfully on the shoulder, but didn't realize how hard. He looked at Cas-noticing the hard wince across his face.

"Oh whoops. I'm sorry Cas I didn't mean to be that hard."

"It's..." Cas grunts, "Its alright..." he rolls his shoulder backwards - sighing from the release of tension

"Wannna take something? We have more painkillers in the bathroom." He took a pause, still feeling slightly guilty, "you bruised your shoulder pretty good. I guess I kinda forgot it."

"No. I'm fine. I just need to rest is all." Cas holds out his hand towards Dean.

Dean took his hand and they eat in silence for a while. When they finished, Dean took the plates to the kitchen. When he came back in, Cas was already laying back down under a pile of blankets.

Dean went over and knelt by the bed, "you sure you're okay? You look kinda pale, Cas."

Cas hums, "Mhm." He slowly closes his eyes, "I would like some blankets though."

"Yeah. Sure thing. Lemme try and find them."

He checked every closet in the room, but only found two quilts so thin they put a piece of paper to shame. Thinking last minute, he pulled his canvas jacket from his duffel and wrapped Cas in it while he put the quilts on.

"Any better?"

Cas furrows his brow and shivers lightly, "no."

"Okay, okay. Gimme a sec."

Dean pulled his shoes off and crawled under the blankets next to Cas. Minding the wound on his abdomen, he wrapped his arm around the angel and gently pulled him up against his lap - resting his chin on Cas's shoulder carefully.

"Better now?"

Cas smiles. It was exactly what he wanted, "yes."

He snuggles into Dean's shoulder - taking in the much appreciated warmth. Cas rolls over in Dean's arms and snuggles up to his chest. Dean strokes Cas's hair gently until he can hear the angel's breathing even out and he places a kiss on the top of his head. Cas looks up at him with his slightly-glazed blue eyes and Dean arches and eyebrow.

"What? Too much?"

"No. It's nice," he burrows his head in Dean's shirt and closed his eyes. He like this whole falling asleep in his hunter's arms thing.


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