chapter 1

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Ciel POV
I've always loved Sebastian hes the only person who's always been there for me. I mean I have lady Elizabeth but she just not my type if it want for this arranged marriage I would be dating Sebastian. But he's a demon he can't love me can he?
I here Sebastian come in my room and open my currtens and I just growl
Not wanting to get up.
" Good Moring young master did you sleep well? " Sebastian ask me
" Not really but it doesn't matter" I say
" Sebastian what do I have to do today? " I ask
" Well you have some paper work, a meeting with the Russian government today along with some tutoring " Sebastian say I just sign and stretch. Sebastian comes over and changes out my closes I always blush when he does this because he can see me with out a shirt. Once he's done in go down for breakfast
" Today for breakfast master is freshly made pancakes with some , scrambled eggs and no puple orange5 juice. " Sebastian says
" Thank you Sebastian " I say and starting eating but I can't help at stare at Sebastian he's so handsome ugh if only I could tell him that.
After breakfast is my paper works I do on finished those quickly then it's the meeting .
" Hello Ciel phantomhive I am come brunner and we need to talk " Cole says
" Hello Cole it is a pleaser but what do we need to talk about? " I ask
" Your the gaurddog for the queen correct? " Cole ask
" Yes I am " Ciel says
" Good " Cole smirks grabbing my mouth and taking me prisoner what the hell I think this is the 2 time this week . I am taken to there place and chained up
" Ok what do you really want" I say.
" Your company and place" Cole says
" Uh no" I says getting kicked in the face
Sebastian POV
" Sebastian Sebastian " I here may ell running I stop her
" Yes may what is it? " I ask
" The young master is missing yes he is" May says
" Ok you guys work on the house I'll he back" I says I go to the room and see a broken window. Why does everyone consider taking my master it's insane I do hope he's ok tho. What are these feelings. Demon can't love can he? Ugh think Sebastian think oh Cole that brat. I soon end up at the Cole company and go to him
" Young master are you alright " I ask staring at him slightly worried
" Yes I am now if you don't mind Sebastian I order you to kill this guy " Ciel says
" Yes master I say" I say killing Cole
And untying my master
" I was a little worried young master but your ok let's go home" I say carrying Ciel the next thing I know Ciel is kissing me I don't kiss back tho.
" Sebastian I I" Ciel says
I just stay quite and bring the young master home I don't want to talk a demon isn't supposed to love and if they do it never goes well. Once we are back I go back to my chorces
Ciel POV
I kissed Sebastian and now he won't talk to me what did I  do. Sebastian please I'm sorry forgive me I hope he talk to me soon after all I love him.
" After all I love him" I here my young master thoughts young master I'm sorry I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow with something special.
I go into his room and tuck him in bed
" Good night master " I say and leave smiling

* hey guys this is my first Sebastian x Ciel story I hope you like comment what you think sorry for un correct spelling words but give me dieas one what to do. *

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