chapter 8

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Alios POV
I can't believe the plan didn't work ugh now Ciel is never going to be mine what to do what to do. Ooh I got an idea . I'll sneek in at night one of the knights Sebastian isn't sleeping with Ciel and take him perfect.
I am put side the phantomtive house and I see Sebastian leave the room the window is unlocked so I come in quitly and lock the door soon I walk over to Ciel OG he's so beautiful sleeping and I pick him up in my arms and cover his mouth running to my hide away. Soon I lay Ciel in the bed and I cralw on top of him. He's so beautiful. Soon he wakes up and he has a shocked looked on his face
" Ailos? " Ciel says scared
" Yes it's me Ciel your on and only true love " I says stroking my hand on his cheek and as I do that Ciel grunts and looks the other way
" I don't love you now let me go" Ciel says
" Sorry I don't want to " I says and I look at Ciel arms seeing cut marks and I'm shocked I hit him across the face 3 times and soon he is holding his cheeks.
" What the hell? " Ciel asks
" You cut your self dumb ass never do that" I say worried about Ciel
I see Ciel becoming sad
" What's wrong? " I asks
" Nothing I just want Sebastian " Ciel says
" But he isn't right for you I am " I says  and kiss Ciel
"Stop please" Ciel says
" Hmm fine but you'll learn to love me  oh and if I see any contact between you and Sebastian I'll kill him on sight ok" I say
Ciel looks shocked
" Yes I know how to kill a demon so don't play games with me" I say leaving the door smiling
Ciel pov
Once ailos leaves I crowl up in a circle and cry my eyes out in just want Sebastian why does everyone want me to be away from him ever sense I got close to him everyone has been after me I'm just happy there not after Sebastian I wonder if he notices I'm gone I hope so. Sebastian please safe me.
Sebastian pov
"Sebastian please safe me" I here Ciel thoughts don't worrie Ciel I'm looking everywhere for you. I won't rest till I find you just stay safe for me I love you Ciel. I think ugh this is all my fault if we never got together then Ciel wouldn't be in this situation I know he's not going to be happy with me but once I get him safe I'm going to break up with him only for his safety. Please forgive me master. Anyways I have one idea who might have taken him and that's ailos. I'm coming for you master.
Ciel pov
Soon I wake up and fine my hands and feet typed to the bed I try and move but they won't budge. Soon ailos walks in and I growl.
" Oh look who's finally up" Ailos says
" Go to hell" I says
" Ciel I'm sorry about kidnapping you I just I really do like you " Ailos says and I'm shocked
" Ailos? If you like me you'll let me go " I say i see ailos look at the ground
" I want to but I can't " Ailos says
" Why not?? " I asks
" Because if I let you go I'll be toucherd " Alios says soon after he is shocked by something inside him
" Aghh" Ailos screams
" Ailos? Are you ok ailos" I says trying to move the see chains
" I'm fine don't worrie about me ok heeres come breakfast " Ailos says untying me giving me food I smile I never notice how nice ailos was he's actually kind of cute. What am I thinking I have Sebastian
Ailos pov
" I'll be back " I says leaving the room and leaning against the wall touching my heart. Ciel I'm sorry I really don't want to keep you here but I.
" Well ailos you almost spilled our little secret" Claude says.
I look at him and growl
" I'm sorry Claude I I " I says nervous shaking
" Isn't this what you want Ciel? And now that he's here I can kill Sebastian " Claude says
" Yes I wanted Ciel to my self but not like this please don't hurt Ciel or Sebastian " I says nervous soon I get a slap to my face and am thrown across the room
" Ahh " I says soon Claude comes up to me and grabs my member squessing it hard
" Please" I says
" You will hush your mouth if you say another word it's going to be worse for you" Claude says and leaves me here I just cry
Ciel pov
After I here them arguing I'm shocked ailos really does love me but he's in trouble and I need to save him. I'm going to help you ailos I promise.

* hey guys hope you liked this chapter I made it a lot longer because I had a few cool ideas. Comment what you think*

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