Chapter 16

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•Emile's P.O.V•

I cant be believe they made me wear black for this! They both always wear it so it's unfair for me!

"You ready?" Remy called from the other side of the door, boredom clear in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!" I opened the door and Remy seemed shock.

"What?" It seemed to knock him out of his momentary coma.

"You look good in black, you should wear it more often." Then he just turned and left to talk to Remus.

I swear to god if this knockoff of Flynn Rider doesn't stop complementing me for ONE DAY!

Once we left for the castle I realized something and stopped in my tracks. "How are we supposed to get in!?"

"Did you forget me and Remus are friends with them? Remus is also a prince!" He said pulling his sunglasses down and staring at me as I said "Oooooooh, I forgot." I chuckled nervously as he rolled his eyes and lifted his glasses back up.

We started walking again and eventually got there. This walk has made me see how far away the castle REALLY is.

"We're here!" Remus shouted turning to look at us both.

"Remy, Could you carry me in and.. Everywhere?" He turned to me and shrugged as he walked over and put me on his back. That went easier then expected!

"You're lucky I love you." I buried my head into his clothes, I was probably radiating pink.

I lift my head and see somehow we're already in the castle but I heard no guards? Maybe they just let us walk in? Either way we're in and that's what matters.

"Look a window, I can see the king and queen through it!" I pointed to a window that was in the kitchen. I volunteered there so I would know that place better than anyone.

Remy started walking to the window and I felt the pep in his step conveying his happiness to being closer to finding out the truth, so I gave him a kiss on his cheek and put my head on top of his back, happy that he's happy.

We got by the window and I lifted my head because what they said made my heart feel like it stopped.

"First he was in the hospital and now he's kidnapped! It has to be that damn Deceit!" The queen went over and hugged him, they were both crying. Then again what parent wouldn't be crying?

"Hunny you have to calm yourself! We can't jump to conclusions and start a war!" He sighed and hugged her back

"I know, if we did we would most likely lose. They have many followers and guards."

Remus's face lifted with an idea... That's never a good thing...

"Why don't we break into the snake kingdom!?" He said in a whisper yell so the king and queen don't hear.

I shoved myself off Remy and fell in some mud. Gross...

"Are you crazy!? Did you not hear them!?" I was quieter then Remus because I was DEFINITELY not gonna get caught!

Remy turned and sighed "You alright babe?"

I nodded 'no' and begin to cry into his shoulder. Virgil used to be my client and I knew all about Deceit. Things others didn't know and as a good therapist I wasnt allowed to tell anyone.

I can't believe he's back! Why would he kidnap Virgil? He was a client of mine as well but why would he do this!? I thought he got better!

"Emile it's okay!" Remy whispered into my ear as he pet my head.

"I think we should go..." Remus said full of guilt as Remy put me back onto his back.

"Maybe we can break into the snake kingdom next time Remus." I told him with a sad smile tears still rolling my cheeks and his eyes light up as he began to skip the rest of the way back to our cottage.

Remy put me on the couch as I lied down and he threw a blanket on top of me.

"Emile?" He said sitting on the couch next to me, I hummed in response.

"Wasn't Deceit and Virgil both your clients in the past?" I was taken off guard on how he remembers that, He listens to me more than I thought.

"Yeah they were, why do you ask?" He sighed like he didn't want to ask me.

"Can you please tell us about their past relationships?" I realized he didnt even have his sunglasses on which meant that this was serious.

I got nervous and chuckled. "Well, Remy you know I'm not allowed to share what I learn inside my office."

His face got a little hurt, but I looked up to his Remus right above me tears in his eyes.

I can't stand seeing people sad, especially Remy so I let out a sigh.

"F-fine... If it makes you guys feel better."

There faces lite up like light bulbs. As long as they're happy I'm happy so I guess if it's to better Virgil and them I'm still a good therapist!

Word count

858 words

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