Well this is awkward

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*America's pov*

"U-umm" I stuttered well this is awkward to say the least. "Yes we knew each other about 12 years ago when you were only 2." Russia explains calmly. I on the other hand, am a speechless, blushing mess.

(Animal-Tougne) "NORTH, YOU KNOW THAT MUM CAN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW TO SORT US OUT AND IT WILL BE A MIRACLE IF NO ONE THAT CAN UNDERSTAND US IS AWAKE!!!" I know to Germany it was just hissing cats but Canada and Russia, and if there was anyone else part animal awake, those countries too, could clearly understand what was being said.

 "I'm so sorry, I'll go and sort that out hehehe." I nervously laugh as they look at me.

I exit my office, not bothering to hide my animal side as everyone awake in the household would have heard what Nada screamed, and find everyone awake and staring at the fifth door on the second floor:North and South Dakota's room.

I fly up to the room to scold the two 7 year olds for yelling at a time they should be asleep at and for making everyone more suspicious about me.

(Animal-Tougne) " North and South Dakota" they freeze their argument and slowly look at me (still Animal-Tougne) " I am very disappointed in you two, you know better" (still Animal-Tougne) "we're sorry mum" they say in unison, hanging their heads in shame. (Animal-Tougne) " we'll talk about this later, as for now, you're both on toilet duty for the next month " I remark, keeping in mind that from where I am, everyone can see me and if Poland or Kazakhstan were to fly up here they would see the kids in their half animal form.

I return to my office to finish my talk with Rus, Nada and Ger and find Russia in his half animal from, to probably hear the rest of the conversation better, and looking at me confused, Canada shocked that he could even understand a single word of that fight and Germany, who most likely asked about if Nada and Rus could understand, looking like he's presently questioning his whole life.

(Russian) " what was all that about Ame? " Russia said in a warning tone, he had heard the rest of that talk, Germany understood what Russia said and was about to translate for me when I cut in a response(Russian) " okI'vebeenselfraising57kidsfor10yearsandnooneknewaboutit!!!! " I babbled out in Russian, surprising Germany, Canada and from what I could sense behind me, everyone else.

Russia somehow managed to pick apart what I just said and responded "how many people know?" " n-no one else knows apart from the ones who managed to catch what I said just there" I say, rubbing my arm in shame.

The next thing I know, Russia calls his siblings and briefly reminds them about those six months, I'm tackled to the floor in a hug from them, I have to explain the entire incidence with the States, introduce them to each other and I get a lecture from my father on how to parent properly.

(Time skip to 6:30a.m.)

I get up at the usual time I do and start the morning routine of getting washed, dressed and making everyone, both States and Countries, breakfast. I had learned all sorts of recipes (and how to make them) worldwide and what was who's favourite for each meal.

Halfway through making the last person, Russia's breakfast I hear a voice from upstairs. I look up from the kitchen to see my mum and Poland awake and coming downstairs. (French) " good morning mother, (English) good morning Poland " I say upon seeing them.

They're 2 of the 7 Countries that still trust me after letting them know about some of those things.

(French) " good morning dear, (English) how long have you been up this morning? " I listen as her tone goes from happy to concerned. I think back to what happened after that incident, we stopped fussing over it at 2:30, I had to go to comfort and heal Maryland at 3:55, I had ended up cleaning the entire house and finished that at 5:30, after that I went and passed out in bed.

Ok, so I'm running on an hour of sleep.

I look at the clock and the time is 8:00. So that's what I decide to tell them, so they won't worry about me. "I've been up up for an hour and a half" I say " and what time did you get to sleep at? " Poland asks. I know that my expression has just changed to one of someone caught red-handed. "H-half five..." I mumble quietly.

 "HALF FIVE!!!" someone sreaches upstairs. We look to see Canada bolting down the stairs and he's infront of me in seconds. "HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?! IS THERE SOMETHING KEEPING YOU UP?! Actually, I'm going to take you to your room and your gonna sleep. No buts either." He ranted while I finished serving the last breakfast. He let me set down the plate and not a second later, he picked me up, and ran to my room.

 " What the heck Canada?! " Ukraine says as she and Russia walk up to us looking annoyed. "Sorry it's just that Amy here was apparently up since half six this morning making breakfast, which is all well and good but she's running on only one hour of sleep! And I am not having that!" Canada explains and Ukraine seems to give me the same worried and fed up look as Canada did while Russia gives me a look that says 'I understand what your going through'.

In my room, Nada puts me on the bed and says "sleep. now." I notice Texas and Alaska looking in the door trying not to laugh. I think of what could go wrong, considering Florida is a more dangerous version of Aussie "But I need to make sure none of the kids do something stupid or-" "no. We'll take care of that. You sleep." Canada isn't gonna leave until I'm fast asleep is he?

 "Ok, fine, you win. I'll go to sleep." I sigh in defeat.

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