Cult rules!

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Hello fellow clowns, before we proceed to our first cult meeting (which is in about an hour), you must agree to follow these rules :o)
And i'll just state a bit more about what youre agreeing to, ritual and cult-wise after you agree to the rules :o) HoNk HoNk

1: respect others and their opinions, we dont want a clown fight up in this cult, now do we? :o)   If it does escalate, please take your weapons to PM's

2: cussing is allowed, but no insulting others. Example:
<:o)  "fuck, i spilt orange juice on my shirt"
>:o( "hah, youre a fucking idiot"

3:if you have any triggers that you know of, please let us know what they are, so we don't accidentally trigger you :o)

Thats it! State the cult symbol ( :o)  ) in the comments if you agree to these rules!

A bit more about the cult, meetings will be every tuesday at 4:20 PM! (Central time zone) And you are allowed to have joined other cults, nobody is going to stop you :o)
And in every meeting, you are free to talk about whatever you wish! And if there are any new members that have joined within the last cult meeting, i'll tag them (you are all getting tagged because you are new members hehe)

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