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I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone - J.R.R. Tolkien

After a long work week away in Atlantic City, the team was given Friday off. Spencer and Beatrice had spent the the day sleeping in until 1 in the afternoon.

Tonight Henry would be spending the night at their apartment. He would be dropped off in a few hours and to say Beatrice was excited would be an understatement.

After making a grocery list, she and Spencer head to the grocery store getting everything they needed for the next week or two.

"Okay, isle 11. We're running low on coffee and I need some more of my tea bags." Says Beatrice, looking at her list while Spencer adds to the almost full shopping cart.

"My God Bea, what else is on that list?" He asks her with a chuckle.

"Just a few more things, I don't want Henry to be hungry." She replies.

They turn down the next isle and she grabs everything they would need to make cookies tonight.

Spencer grabs her waist, telling her, "Baby, don't stress. You're gonna send him home with a bellyache with all this food."

Beatrice looks into his eyes, "I know, you're right. Let's just go before I get anything else. I just wanna be prepared, you know?" She says.

"I know." He answers, dragging her to check out.

When they make it back home Spencer puts up all the groceries while Beatrice puts anything breakable on the higher shelves.

Spencer thinks it's funny how much a perfectionist she is, even if it's all for a toddler. Beatrice, on the other hand is stressing herself to the max, and not just because Henry will be staying over.

She has a secret that no ones knows, and if the sleepover goes well, she hopes it will give her some relief for it. So she clears all the novels off of the guest bed and puts them in all their respective shelves before putting some fluffy blankets and a few children's books she had boughten for Henry on the foot of the bed.

 So she clears all the novels off of the guest bed and puts them in all their respective shelves before putting some fluffy blankets and a few children's books she had boughten for Henry on the foot of the bed

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Beatrice changes into her dinosaur pajamas and heads into the kitchen. Spencer smiles at her and says he's going to change in his as well. Yes, they have matching pj's.

Right as Spencer comes out of their bedroom there's a knock on their door. Beatrice rushes to open it.

"Henry! You made it." she says smiling at him.

"Sorry we're late, he's a little nervous for his first night away from home." JJ tells her.

Spencer speaks up, "It's no problem, let me put his bag up." He says taking the mini suitcase into the guest room.

"Don't worry Henry, we have so many fun things planned!" Beatrice tells him.

"Ok, well I'm sure he will be fine, he's just never not been without me, Will, or grandma at night. I packed him a change of clothes, a few toys, and his stuffy. He's already had a bath and I went ahead and put his jammies on." JJ says to the couple as she hands over Henry to Beatrice.

"He will be fine JJ." Spencer replies.

"I know, I know. Just call me if you need anything. Bye Henry." She tells him, kissing the boy on the cheek.

"Bye mama." He waves to her as she walks out the door.

They go into the living room and Beatrice asks the toddler, "So, what do you want for dinner?"

That's how she finds herself in the kitchen, making macaroni and cheese with a side of strawberries.
An odd combination she will say, but still she lets the noodles boil and she washes and chops the strawberries. She puts her and Spencer together a salad and makes baked potatoes.

Soon enough everything is finished and she's setting the table with food, 2 waters, and an apple juice.

"Boys, dinners ready!" Beatrice yells as the two run in the room.

They have a nice little dinner and Beatrice starts to think she could get used to this. She looks up and sees Spencer watching her with an adoring look and wonders how he feels. Does he want kids? He's a great uncle but maybe that's all he ever wants to be. Beatrice wishes she knew.

"Bea, are you okay?" Spencer asks her.

"Yeah, just thinking." She tells him standing up.

"So Henry, do you want to help me bake some cookies while while Uncle Spencer cleans up in here?" Beatrice asks the little boy.

"Yes! Cookies!" He yells running towards the kitchen.

She picks up the boy and sets him on the counter. Measuring out all the ingredients, she lets the child add them in and help mix. They put the cookies in its time to pick a movie.

Henry choses The Amazing Spider-Man, which neither of the adults mind. The three snuggle up on the couch together and 20 minutes in the cookies are done. Beatrice puts them all on a plate and brings 3 glasses of milk.

They snack on the dessert throughout the movie and by the end the little boy is almost asleep in Spencer's arms. He carries into the guest room and Beatrice gives him his stuffy and tucks him in tight.

With his tired eyes almost shut, he asks that they read him a bedtime story. Beatrice hands Spencer Peter Rabbit, and the couple sits on the edge of the bed to read. Before the second page is done the child is in a deep sleep. She turns on the night light and Spencer turns of the light as the slowly shut the door.

Laying in bed that night Beatrice wonders what she gonna do and how she's gonna tell Spencer that their whole life is going to change.

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