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I look over my shoulder to my nightstand as the clock clicks over to midnight. It's officially September 21st, the day that I'll be leaving for college. The day that I will be leaving the East coast behind for the west coast. I still don't know what's going to happen with Cole and I but right now I don't want to think about that. Right now I want us to be us for one more night even though I know it won't be enough. I look out the window and see his blue Corvette sitting under the street lamp down the street. I listen for a minute to make sure I don't hear anyone stirring in the hallway, it's all quiet so I climb out my bedroom window. By the time I reach Cole's car he's out sitting on the hood and welcomes me in his warm arm. I'm going to miss this when I leave. I'm going to miss him, I'm going to miss who I am when I'm with him. I'm going to miss us. Cole has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. No really I don't have a memory from being a kid that doesn't have Cole in it. I knew at the age of five that he was it for me, that one day I would marry him.

As Cole wraps me in his warm protective arms it reminds me of a time when we were around six. I was playing on the playground during recess when a group of older boys started to push me around, making fun of the hand me down dress I was wearing. Then out of no where there was Cole, my very own Superman. He ran as fast and hard as he could into the biggest boy knocking him over then punching him square in the jaw when he tried to get up. I can still remember Cole yelling that he would kill him if he ever even looked at me again. The next day when I went to his house to see if he could play I remember seeing the black eye Cole had (I knew it was from his father and I knew it was because he got in trouble at school, trouble for standing up for me and I felt horrible), but that was Cole even at the age of six. He would have and still would do anything if that meant keeping me safe. I know that he would give up his life here and follow me across the country if only I asked him to, but could I do that? Could I be that selfish? Or is it just as selfish not asking him?

"What's wrong?" I feel his breath on my neck as he asks me the dreaded question.

"Nothing...I'm fine" I whisper knowing there is no point trying to hide the truth from him. He could tell it was a lie before the words were even out of my mouth.

"Emma..." his words trail off when I look up. I'm sure he could read all of my unsaid thoughts in my eyes. All of my dreams, all of my hopes, my fears, what I really want to say but can't find the words. I could feel his chest as he took a deep breath and let it out before releasing me from his arms. "Emma...why don't you sit down" he said tapping the hood of his Corvette next to him. "You know I love you right?" His words barely loud enough for me to hear him.

"Of course I know"

"Ok good. Now can you promise me something?"


"Ok. I want you to listen to what I have to say and really listen. No fighting, no interrupting, no trying to solve a problem that you think is there. Ok. I want, no I NEED you to just listen to have I have to say ok"

"Ok, I promise" I say looking up to his eyes. They look so beautiful with only the light from the street lamp reflecting in them now.

"Ok. First I love you. I love you with all my heart, with every piece of me. I have loved your since we were kids. I loved you before we even knew what love was. The times we spend on the bus riding it all day in the summer just holding hands and talking, those will always be some of the best memories I have of not only us but of my life. Those days will always be enough for me. I never thought those days could get any better but then when we got older and we stared to kiss, to touch. We grew up and grew into what we are now. You're it for me. I knew it back then and now there is no question that you are the one."

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