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"What the hell is this?" I looked down at Emory's neck that was covered with hickies.

"I-I don't know. It must have been Tyler." She stuttered over her words, looking everywhere but into my eyes. I pressed my hands forcefully against the wall, each placed on either side of her head. I breathed heavily onto her skin covered in hickies that weren't from my lips. I sighed, turning away from her, my hands leaving the wall to form fists besides my thighs. I stormed out of her apartment without even looking at her.

She's not mine. How could I be mad at her for being loyal to someone she loves? I pull out my car keys after walking a few apartments down from where Emory's place resides, my feet dragging across the concrete bringing attention to my melancholy mood as people passed by.

I open my car door, hurrying in as I see Tyler's car pull onto the street. I watch tentatively, twirling the rings on my hand with my fingers as his car pulls up in front of Emory's apartment. He gets out of that ugly, bright green Maserati, holding breakfast from her favorite bakery. I turn on my truck, speeding away from this horrid scene of Tyler pretending to care for Emory. I have to be careful. I don't need Tyler up my ass or asking questions as to why I'm in the area.

Tyler is one of my clients; I take photos of him for his modeling portfolio every month or so. I consider him to be a good mate of mine, which gives me the right to say he's an absolute douchebag. Every other week he's cheating on Emory with girls that look nothing like her. My knuckles began to turn red as they clenched the steering wheel with anger. I pulled up to the stop light, thinking about how much I wanted to make Emory mine. She doesn't deserve him, she's too good for him, but she can't see that.

The light turned green, allowing me to zoom through traffic at a speed that truly could get me pulled over by the police. My head thought back to the way her skin felt on my fingertips.

I pressed on the gas, driving even faster.

I thought about how my breath rose goosebumps amongst her collarbone and her breasts as I grazed them roughly with my lips. Her hair still damp from the shower, sticking on her shoulders and parts of my face whenever I got too close to her.

The car picked up with speed, as I felt my heartbeat quicken and my adrenaline rise as I thought about making love to her.

That's it.

I slammed on the breaks, horns blaring as I made an illegal U-turn. If he doesn't tell her what an arse he's being, I'll tell her myself.



I sat at the edge of my bed in disbelief of the events that just occurred. My thoughts twirled ferociously in my head, my brain trying to absorb the way Harry's breath felt against my skin. His lips swollen and full, brushing against my collarbone and the curvature of my breasts hungrily. The rings on his fingers leaving marks in my forearms when he impatiently pulled me closer to him. His curls resting lightly on his forehead that was glistening slightly from the small burst of sweat from our heated engagement.

"Babe? I'm back!" My thoughts whirling in my head were put to a halt as I heard Tyler's voice call from the hallway.

I can't tell him what happened.

I don't even really know what happened.

I didn't want to tell him what happened.

I liked what happened.

Harry made me everlastingly curious. I want to know more about him. I don't even know this man and he manages to somehow captivate me. "Babe? Hello?" Tyler called out.

"God, yes Tyler I'm coming just give me a second." I said harshly. I sighed, before placing my feet on the cold wood that I felt as if I could just drown into. I quickly pulled the towel that lingered with Harry's touch off of my body, before putting on my boyfriend jeans and one of Tyler's graphic tees over my head.

Tyler isn't good for me. Why am I staying with someone who cheats on me, but brings me breakfast to try and cover up the bad things that he's done?

*Ding Dong. *

My head shot up to the sound of my front door ringing.


The palms of my hands were sweating as I rubbed them against my jeans in hopes to dry them. I ran my fingers through my hair before bringing them to my lips to ponder who the hell just rang my doorbell. Part of me knew exactly who it was.

"Em, can you get that? I'm unpacking the food." Tyler called from the kitchen.

My feet carried me down the hallway, as my head was too busy preparing myself from what I was fearing the most.

And there he stood. Those cherry red lips and beautiful green eyes hidden slightly with his mop of brunette curls.

"Harry?" I whispered. I wanted to say more, until I heard loud footsteps approaching from behind me.

"Hey! Harry! What the hell are you doing here man?" Tyler came to the front door, greeting Harry with a handshake before wrapping his arms around my body. I could see Harry's body begin to tense up as he watched as Tyler held me closer to his chest. I took a piece of my blonde hair and began twirling it around my finger, letting my nervousness overcome me.

"I was in the area and saw your car outside and thought it could be you. Not everyone has a lime green Maserati." Harry chuckled, locking his eyes with mine before looking down at my lips, breathing shakily.

"Oh, that's right," Tyler looks between Harry and I, noticing the awkward encounter that was currently happening on the porch of my apartment. "Em, this is the guy that takes all the pictures that I put in my modeling portfolio and happens to be a good mate of mine."

I looked away from Tyler before looking at Harry once more, who was already shooting daggers into my eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, not letting his eyes break from mine. "Hi love. It's a pleasure to meet you. Harry."

He stretched out his hand, each finger still occupied by the same rings I remembered from this morning. I looked down at his hand, before looking up at him, reaching to shake it. His touch was exhilarating. Who knew that just a simple handshake would have me feeling as if I was flying through the clouds.

I cleared my throat, hoping to push away my nerves that were trying so hard to come up in chunks.

"Hi Harry, I'm Emory." I smiled sweetly, hoping that Tyler wouldn't notice that we've clearly have met before.

"Hm, that's weird." Harry smirked, while looking me up and down for what seemed to be the longest time. "Tyler, I could've sworn that your girlfriend was brunette, not blonde like Emory here. I just saw you and a brunette pictured together in L.A the other day, was that you Emory?"

Tyler tensed up behind me, his grip growing even stronger on my arms and pulling me in even closer.

"I actually died my hair just this morning!" I gulped, knowing that I'm a horrid liar. "I happen to be a natural brunette, never would've guessed right?" I chuckled nervously but held my gaze directly into Harry's eyes. His smirk was wiped clean off, in shock that I was sticking up for Tyler, who of course, stayed quiet through all of this.

"I see." Harry glared at Tyler, before looking down at me. His dark eyes suddenly became lighter, but his stare still intense and filled with lust. "I like you better blonde anyway." Harry smiled, before Tyler cleared his throat breaking the silence.

"Well, um, we better get going. I'll see you for our session next week mate." Tyler reached out to hug Harry before returning his hands back to mine as if I suddenly became his property that no one else could touch.

"Um, yeah, thanks for stopping by Harry." I stated, unlocking my fingers from Tyler's to give Harry a small wave as I began to close the door. He winked at me, before opening his mouth to call me the pet name that makes me tremble.

"Nice to meet you. Darling."


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