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Sebastian's POV

Jim and I were surrounded by three men. I pulled out my gun. Suddenly a knife flew through the air and hit the guy in front of me. Well, I think it was a knife. It was kind of colourful. I heard three more thunks and the other men fell. I turned to Jim, he was smiling. "What did you do?" I asked.

"Well I learned how to throw knives," he said, smiling.

We both walked over to one of the bodies. A colourful knife was stuck in his head. "Where did you get these?" I asked.

"Oh, I found them online. They were so pretty so I learned how to use them."

"Well if you're going to kill someone you might as well do it fabulously."


"Stabulous." I agreed.

He smiled and giggled. "Now the only thing is I don't know how to get it out of their heads."

I sighed. "It's really easy. You just pull." There was a squelching noise and Jim gagged. "For a criminal mastermind, you sure are queasy."

"Don't judge my I just saved you from those guys."

I nodded. "And thank you for that.'' I said kissing him on the forehead.

He pushed me away. "You can do that after you've gotten the blood off of yourself."

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