Chapter 1

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(Last Day of Summer Vacation)

(Ciara's P.O.V)

I was just relaxing in my bed taking my last long sleep of the summer as I heard my door open a little. So I peep through my shut eyes to see my brother, Devonte a.k.a Dev sneaking into my room to probably scare me. Just for fun I let him have his fun but what he doesn't know is that I'm going to scare him back. Dev jumped on top of me scream at the top of his lungs for me to wake up. I just bounced up as he jumped on the bed and I acted dead. Dev tapped me and told me to wake up. He felt my throat to feel if I was breathing but I was holding my breath. As soon as he found out I wasn't breathing he started to panic and when he turned around to go get Kiara a.k.a KiKi or call the cops I jumped on his back.

"We should really get you CPR lessons what if that was real" I pouted as I spoke to Dev.

"Are you fucking crazy CiCi you scared the shit out of me don't ever do that again" he screamed at me.

"I know I know but you was trying to scare me first and for a little brother you sure act like a big brother" I said playfully.

"Whatever but breakfast is ready sleepy head and Chris and Krissy are downstairs. So go do all your girly stuff 'cause we have a day planned!" He said walking out my room smiling.

So I went and did what I had to do and when I was done with all of my hygiene preparation for the day I put on my green and blue bikini and short-short shorts and a vest jean jacket 'cause I know we are going to the beach today because of Dev big smile when he left my room. I left my hair down and curly and put on my blue "Supreme" snapback. After I checked myself out I headed downstairs to see my sister wearing the same outfit as me but in pink and purple mwithout the snapback and vest. Her hair was up in a bun and she left her bang down. As soon as I saw Chris and Krissy I ran to them and hug the shit out of them.

"Damn girl you acting like you ain't see us in years" Krissy said.

"Stfu" Chris and I said at the same time.

Everybody started to laugh.

"Hey BabyGirl" Chris said giving me his signature smile named "Ciara"

just for me and me ONLY!!!

"Hey C" I greet him back and add for everybody else "Are y'all ready for school I know I ain't"

"HELL NOOO" everybody answered together.


(At the Beach a Hour Later)

Everybody is in the water having fun and playing. I jumped on Chris's back and he put me around his neck and took me to the deep side. I was kicking and screaming because he knows I can't swim well and when I swim to long I start to drown. Chris just laughed and carried me deeper and deeper until he stopped. I got scared that he would drop me in the water I grabbed his hair and wrapped my feet around him tighter.

"Chris stop fucking with me" I scream as I held him tighter and tighter.

"Water doesn't bite and you know I won't let you drown if you do I'll save you I promise you know I love you BabyGirl" he said while laughing at me while I was trembling.

"Please don't throw me into the water please I'm scared I might drown please please please please don't drop me Chris" I said while clinging to Chris more and more so close to crying.

Chris took me from around his neck and held me by my waist. He laughed as he walked me back to the shallow side of the water. I gave him the deadliest stare I could give him but he just busted out laughing. He knows I'm not a fighter unless people mess with the things and people I love the most. Krissy and I know Chris has a crush on me but she lets it slide because she knows it's only a crush and will always be a crush. She also knows I will never do that to her. Everybody came back on shore to get dried off and dressed so we can go eat at Joe's Crab Shack. After everybody was done I jumped on Dev's back and Krissy jumped on Chris's back and we all headed to Joe's Crab Shack which was one block away from the beach. We got in and asked for a table for five. They gave us a booth with a extra chair. So I sat next to KiKi while Chris and Krissy sat across from us and Dev was sitting at the extra chair. KiKi and I got the crab and shrimp combo to share. Chris and Krissy shared the fish and chips combo.Dev said he wasn't that hungry so he got a drink and when we was finish we just talked until the doors of Joe's Crab Shack opened................

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