The Kiss

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The peaceful quiet of the morning was savored by Dwight as he sat on his porch, rocking back and fourth in his rocking chair. Sipping his black coffee and surveying his land was a morning ritual he looked forward to after getting up early to tend to his farm work. Working on the farm was tough work and having Mose as his only helper made it even tougher, but little joys like morning coffee and the view of a vibrant sunrise definitely made it worth it.

Dwight had actually been delayed in his farm work today due to sleeping in and dreaming about a certain fluffy haired salesmen. After Jim had given Dwight a chaste kiss on the cheek, Dwight had almost moved in a slumber for the rest of his evening. He quickly whipped up dinner for him and Mose, but his usual attention to detail was missing. He absentmindedly kept touching the spot where Jim's pink lips had touched his cheek so gently, almost like a whisper against his skin. When he finally got to sleep the kiss followed him in his dreams, except this time the kiss had escalated into an actual kiss on the lips. Jim's velvety lips covered Dwight's slightly chapped lips and moved with the purpose to absolutely drive Dwight insane. One of Jim's large hands cupped Dwight's neck, cradling him into his hold and the other hand unconsciously stroked his cheek. Dwight's lips parted, inviting Jim to explore his mouth. He unabashedly moaned into Jim's mouth, surprisingly compliant to the younger man.

Dwight woke up with a start, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head. He had to see Jim later in the morning, he had to stop these thoughts. It was violating Jim by imagining him debauching Dwight, even if it was just in his dream. He shuffled out of bed, stretching his back and making his way to the closet to pull out his farming clothes. The rest of the morning until 8 was spent working. Dwight hurried inside to shower and change into his normal attire for work at the paper company. He wore his signature mustard yellow dress shirt and brown pants, with a striped beige and teal tie. He decided to wait outside for Jim. He was unsure when the man would come to get him, and with the way he showed up just barely tardy to work, Dwight knew he couldn't trust Jim to be more than 5 minutes early.

Jim surprised Dwight by showing up at 8:40, even though the office was only about 5 minutes from Dwight's house. Jim got out of his car and called out a "good morning Dwight" as he started walking to the front of the house. "Morning Jim" Dwight replied, a blush instantly erupting on his face, as his traitorous mind showed him images of both last night and the kiss from his dream. He had to shake his head to clear up his mind. "Come on Dwight" pull it together Dwight said to himself, he could handle this. "How's the morning been so far for you Dwight?" Jim politely asked. Dwight told him it was good and proceeded to tell him about what he had plowed today. Jim looked at Dwight as he passionately explained the intricacies of being a beet farmer. His gaze softened, a look of absolute adoration was on Jim's face. The corners of his mouth curved into a smile as Dwight continued to talk and seemed unaware of how Jim was looking at him.

"Dwight," Jim interrupted. "Yeah" Dwight replied, his face reddening when he realized he was rambling. Jim probably could care less about Dwight and his farming techniques. "I want to be honest with you" Jim started. "I want to kiss you really badly right now" Jim said. His face had a soft expression of worry, his eyebrows slightly raised. Dwight sputtered at this, his mouth opening and closing in shock. His eyes were wide in a mixture of fear, panic, but also happiness. Dwight tried to control himself and regain his ability to speak. He whispered a soft "then do it," because their relationship wouldn't be anything if it wasn't them always trying to rile each other up. Jim stepped forward and just like Dwight's dream, he cupped the back of Dwight's head. Jim gazed into Dwight's eyes, making sure Dwight was 100% okay with what was about to happen. Dwight nodded and Jim softly smiled. He closed the gap between them and finally enveloped his lips against Dwight's. Dwight's lips fluttered close, as he enjoyed the feeling of being kissed in such a loving way. A soft moan was elicited from Jim, when Dwight nipped at his bottom lip. Jim laughed into the kiss before complying and opening his mouth. He repositioned himself so now his whole body was leaning into Dwight's. Dwight had his arms wrapped around Jim and was reveling in the moment.

The two separated to regain their breath. Dwight waited, slightly expecting Jim to say the whole thing was a mistake or a prank, but he didn't. Instead he went in to kiss Dwight again, pecking Dwight's lips. He teasingly kissed just Dwight's lower lip, then just his upper lip, and then finally sealed their lips together again. Dwight reached up to push Jim's lips closer to his by gently grabbing Jim's hair. He scowled against Jim's mouth when he felt all the product in Jim's hair. Jim pulled back again and laughed at Dwight who was complaining about how much hair products Jim had in his hair. "It's not that much" Jim tried to defend himself. "My hand is coated" Dwight replied, his nose wrinkling at this. Jim shook his head, disagreeing.

Dwight wiped his hand on a nearby cloth that was draped on his chair. Jim's lips were even pinker then usual, standing out against his pale skin. His cheeks were slightly pink, but it was his hair that would give Jim away as to what he had just been doing with Dwight. It was sticking up in disarray from the back, where Dwight had grabbed to tilt Jim's head toward his. Dwight looked no better. He was blushing and his newly ironed shirt had some crinkles in it. He glanced down at his watch and saw that it was 8:55. "We have to go Jim, I have an attendance record to preserve" Dwight yelled out, grabbing his briefcase from the porch and making his way down to the car. Jim stayed on the porch, watching Dwight's retreating back. "Jim" Dwight yelled exasperated, "Dwight" Jim yelled back, smirking at the salesmen. Dwight rolled his eyes and asked again if Jim "really wanted to be late?" "It's okay, it would just be a few minutes" Jim replied sliding into his car. Dwight huffed again, muttering to himself. "What's that Dwight?" Jim playfully asked. "I said I shouldn't have kissed you because now we are going to be late" Dwight replied. "So if I kissed you when we are at work would you kiss me then?" Jim asked, trying to be nonchalant. Dwight looked over at him. "I would kiss you again Jim, maybe not at work though" Dwight said. "I like my privacy and its none of their business." Jim agreed to this and said "guess i'll have to kiss you after work then" with a lopsided grin. Dwight smiled at Jim and shyly nodded and said "okay" as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Oh walk of shame" Michael called out. "What?" Dwight stammered. Michael laughed, "you left your car and never came back to the office, and for all we know those are the clothes you wore yesterday." "Michael leave him alone" Jim said, walking by Michael. Michael playfully rolled his eyes and said "ahh okay Jimbo" and started walking in. Dwight stayed behind, walking slowly. Jim who was almost near the entrance stopped to, when everyone passed him except Dwight. He turned around making his way to where Dwight was standing halfway in the parking lot. "Dwight" Jim started, but was cut off with an abrupt kiss on the lips. "Sorry" Dwight said looking sheepish, but still smiling at Jim. Jim laughed out, surprised Dwight had kissed him first and in the parking lot too. "Don't say sorry" Jim said, smiling out to Dwight. "Now come on, lets head in so Michael doesn't say anything." Dwight agreed and the two made their way inside, not noticing the camera crew that had captured Dwight's impromptu kiss.

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