Omega: Cory Marie-Porter Info

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Age: 20

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Age: 20

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 25th

Height: 5'8" (It's all in his legs and spine tbh)

Hair Color: Pastel Pink

Eye Color: Baby Blue

Ethnicity/Race: European

Body Type: Lean/Skinny

Background: From a middle class family, Cory is the son of Liberty Marie (F/β) and Cassie Porter (F/β). He was adopted with his older sister Bella (F/Ω) at the age of 1 and a half. He grew up happily and in a loving environment with his sibling and ended up with a modeling career at the age of ten. As a result of looking so feminine, Cory was often bullied in school and grew stronger and tougher emotionally because of it. He is used to the limelight and dealing with rude people. As the only Omega in his household he had to learn how to cope with heats and medications pretty early. He likes cross-dressing and keeps his hair long. He has had a couple of relationships with other models but he has broken up with almost all of them. He loves cats and reading. He is currently in his second year of college studying English and plans to get a masters degree. He dearly loves his family and would die for them all. He has no friends outside his family really, there was no time for it.

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