Omega: Jasper Cullen Info

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Age: 25

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Age: 25

Gender: Male

Birthday: September 21st

Height: 5'10"

Hair Color: Violet

Eye Color: Fuchsia

Ethnicity/Race: Eurasian

Body Type: Thin/Has a lil chub

Background: From a middle class family, Jasper is the son of Kate (F/α) and Dewey Cullen (M/Ω). He is an only child. Jasper was the outcasted kid growing up. No one talked to him, and he didn't have the will to initiate conversation with others. Oftentimes he would have his nose stuck in a book or researching other languages for fun. His best friend in high school was a dog named Bohnes who he loves very dearly. Jasper knows his parents love him even though they constantly fight, and he knows they'd be better apart but they insist on staying together. Jasper went on to get a masters in multi-language and now is a licensed translator. He moved out when he was 19 and now lives in a small apartment in the business district of town. He was employed by Eden Kennedy as a secretary and does full time work there while he saves up enough money to pay off student loans. Jasper is very independent and isn't used to people being nice to him, so whenever someone is, it is a big surprise and is very humbling and cary to him at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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