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Derek and I are chasing the kanima/Jackson. We chasing him down an ally way when we come to a fence. Not thinking about it I jump over it just like Derek. (Sorry I didn't put detail in how she jumps over it. I just didn't really know how to word it.)

We chased it under a bridge. "Where is it?" I asked when I didn't see it.

"It's somewhere around here." Derek said. I looked behind us and saw it.

"Derek it's behind us." I whisper and he turns us around so that he was protecting me from the Kanima.

It hissed at us and Derek growled. The kanima came towards us. Derek pushed me away as he and the kanima started fighting. I didn't know what to do to help Derek. All I do was watch, which wasn't bad because it was kind of sexy watching doing flips and all.

The kanima ran up the wall hissed. I went to stand by Derek as he growled lowly and snaped his teeth. The kanima hit a wire and sparks shot out. The kanima jumped down since we were blindedby the sparks. It grab Derek and me and then threw us. We heard a car so we hide behind the wall.

We watched as the kanima turned and hissed at the car. Chris Argent got out and started shooting at it. Derek pulled me close as we watched.

Chris shot it several times and it fell over. Chris started looking at where the kanima threw us. The kanima got back up behind Chris. Chris turned around and saw it. He tried shooting it again but he was out of bullets. He tried quickly reloading but the kanima threw him aginst the other side of the wall we were hiding behind. I jumped a bit.

The kanima walked over in front of the car where Gerard was. Gerard didn't looked scared of it and the kanima didn't try attacking Gerard. Scott came and knocked it away.

"Come on." Derek said.

We ran off where the kanima did. We followed him to a club. I knew that he was here to kill someone.

When we went in I noticed that it was all guys. "Um...I think I'm not suppose to be here."

"Maybe they'll think that you are a guy with lady parts." Derek said.

"Are you saying that I look like a guy?" I asked. He looked nervous. I laughed, "I'm kidding. Let's find the kanima before he kills someone or someone see's it."

Third Person's POV

Scott and Stiles wallked into the club and were shocked.

"Dude, everyone in here is a dude. I think we're in a gay club." Scott says. Not noticeing that Stiles and been pulled away.

Scott looked over to Stiles and sees that he is surrounded by guys dressed as girls.

"Man, nothing gets passed those teen werewolf senses. Huh, Scott?" Stiles says.

Scott looks around in shock.

Scott and Stiles make their way to the bar.

"Two beers." Stiles says.

"ID's?" The bartender asks.

Scott and Stiles pull out their ID's and hand them to the guy. He looks at them and smirks. "How about two cokes?" He says.

"Rum and Coke, sure." Stiles says excited. Scott looks at his friend in amusement.

The bartender just stares at Stiles as he does a weird little head bob/dance. "Coke's fine actually. I'm driving anyway." Stiles says still dancing/head bob thing.

The bartender walks away and a shirtless man that also works at the bar walks over and sits down drinks in front of Scott and Stiles.

"That ones paid for." He says looking at Scott and points to another guy and he hold up a beer.

Scott and Stiles look at each other. Scott startes smiling while Stiles looks at him. "Ah, shut up." Stiles says.

"I didn't say anything." Scott says still smiling.

"Yeah, well your face did." Stiles says.

They turn to around to start looking for Danny and Jackson.


Derek and I was walking through the crowd that was dancing. Derek was in his wolf form. I wasn't I didn't want to chance it. I couldn't help but look at the shirtless guys.

"Stop it." Derek said. He sounded irritated.

"Stop what?" I asked confused but had idea of what he was talking about.

"Stating at the shirtless guys." He said.

I smiled, "Derek, I don't think that I'm their type. Plus they're not my type either. My type is a certain sour wolf."

He looked back me with a glare bit I could see the amusement there too. I looked up and saw the kanima.

"Derek there it is." I said pointing. He looked up and started following it.

We came up to Jackson/kanima. I could see that Scott was there and I knew that Derek was going to kill it.

"No don't." I heard Scott say.

Derek didn't listen and he growled. He lunged forward and slit it's throat. He quickly pulled me away. I didn't get to tell Scott I was sorry. I hated that this happened to Jackson. Yeah, he could be a jackass most of the time but he's really sweet to Lydia. Well, until recently.

We went back to Derek's hide out. I sent a text to Scott apologizing for what Derek did.

He sent back that they found Jackson and he's alive. That's all he sent. I had a feeling that they were going to do something stupid.

Derek and I spent the night talking. I explained to him that Yes I was upset that he tried killing my innocent friend and I was upset that he killed Jackson. I also told him that I understand that the kanima needed to be stopped but we could have figured out a way to save Jackson.

The next day Scott and Stiles tried telling me what they did with Jackson but I told them that I did not want to be part of it. Because I know that their plans are not a simple has they think and also they don't think things through all the way.

We were waiting on the teacher to show up when Allison's mom walked in. I didn't miss that they had set up cameras around the school.

"I'm afraid your teacher is ill today. And had to leave early. So unfortunately your stuck with me a substitute teache. Can anyone catch me up to speed at where we are?" She says. "Mr. McCall? How about you?"

Scott pulls out his note book and starts looking. I look at Allison and she looks nervous, scared and confused.

After school I headed to see Derek. I watched as he tried to train Boyd, Erica and Isaac.

Isaac wouldn't stop apologizing.

"I'm sorry Sky I didn't mean to hurt you." He said for like the hundredth time.

"Isaac it's okay. I understand. We are going to fight like that alot but understand this. I will always be your friend. The same with Boyd and...Erica though it'll take me a while to forgive her for what she did." I said.

Later on I got a text from Scott saying that Jackson put a restraining order against Stiles and him. I sighed like I knew it would whatever they did didn't workout and Jackson got pop pissed.

Okay I know it's short. Okay I want Derek and Sky to finally have s*x but I'm not good at writing things like that. So I'll just mention that they do when I decided which will probably be next chapter.

Sky McCall ➡Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now