Chapter 6

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Thanks to how they arranged the blankets beforehand, sleeping on the floor wasn't as bad as it could've been. To Ghost, it was still much better than the forest floor. But at this point, anything was better than what she slept in prior to arriving in Hyrule.

"Do you think that we can just walk up to the throne room and tell the princess what we want to do?" Wolf asked as she put on her boots.

"Though she's pretty nice, I'd say we find the boys first." Ghost said. "They seem pretty close with the princess. They'll be our best bet at getting close to her."

Once they were ready for the day, they set out into Castle Town in search of the five brothers. As they wandered around, they came across a shop opening for the day. The owner smiled and waved at them.

"Well, good day to you ladies." he greeted. "Anything I can do for you today?"

"We're actually looking for some knights." Ghost answered. "Those five brothers. Have you seen them around?"

"Ah yes. The Heroes of Hyrule." the shop owner mused. "I haven't seen them anywhere around here this morning. They must still be at home. You can find their house just over that way."

He pointed in a direction a bit closer to the castle. Wolf thanked the man before she and Ghost headed in the direction given to them. They soon come across what seemed to be a two-story house.

'This must be the place.' Ghost thought as she stepped forward and knocked on the door. They waited for a few moments before the door opened. A man in a suit of armor came to greet them. Based on the resemblance he had to the boys they were looking for, it was safe to say that he was their father.

"You're the two that were brought into Hyrule recently weren't you?" the man asked. "Is there something you need?"

"We were looking for the brothers that found us in the woods." Ghost explained. "We were told that they might be here."

The man nodded before turning his head back into the head. "Boys! You have guests!" he called out.

It didn't take long for Ghost and Wolf to hear shouting coming from inside the house. One glance over the father's shoulders and they saw someone fall down the stairs. All the father did was sigh and shake his head in reaction to that. He stepped aside and Green, the one who fell down the stairs quickly got up to greet the girls. How he recovered so fast from the fall was a mystery to Wolf and Ghost.

"Morning you two. How can we help?"

"There's something that we'd like to tell Princess Zelda." Ghost said. "Do you have time to take us to her?"

"Of course! We're actually going to the castle once we're all ready." Green told them. "It shouldn't take too long if you want to wait a bit."

As if to prove him wrong, another argument from upstairs could be heard.

"Blue for the love of Nayru, hurry up and get out of the bathroom!" Vio snapped.

"You should've woken up earlier if you needed it so damn badly!" came Blue's shout.

This time it was Green's turn to sigh and shake his head. Red came down the stairs right after.

"They might take a while," he said to the girls. "Wanna come in for a bit? It's safe here I promise."

With nothing else to do, Wolf and Ghost take the offer to come inside. The moment they seated themselves in the dining room, they hear a loud bang from upstairs, quickly followed by Shadow shouting.

"Move it loser!"

"Do you really have to go through the window?" Vio questioned.

"I got here first!" Blue snapped. "Wait your turn!"

There was the sound of a door opening before it slammed shut one moment later.

"Shadow you little sh-"

"WE HAVE COMPANY!" Green yelled loud enough to drown out the cursing his brother had just done. Suddenly everything was silent.

Their father glanced at the two boys already downstairs. "Green, why don't you and Red go ahead and take them to Hyrule?" he suggested. "The others might take awhile."

Vio soon came downstairs. Though dressed, his hair was messy. He put his hat on to cover up at least the worst of his bedhead. "I'll go with them. I doubt I'll get anything done with those two at war."

'If their looks weren't a dead giveaway that these boys are brothers, what happened upstairs all but confirmed it.' Ghost thought as she and Wolf stood from their seat and followed the three boys outside.

The walk to Hyrule Castle was shorter than it would be if they left their new home. Ghost supposed if they were knights of Hyrule, then living only two minutes away from their job was probably in their best interest. The group greeted Princess Zelda in the throne room.

"Green, you're here early," Zelda noted but was quick to notice a few people missing. "Only three of you today? Did something happen back at home?"

Green scratched the back of his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. "I guess you could say something like that. Anyway, our guests here wanted to speak to you about something."

When the princess shifts her attention to Wolf and Ghost, they glance at each other to see who was going to speak first. After some hesitation, Ghost sighed and stepped forward. She hoped that this all went well. This was the only thing that she could think of.

"I suppose I should start with the reason why I was seeking Hyrule in the first place." Ghost began. She took a shaky breath before continuing. "I came here in hopes of finding someone to teach me magic... and I can't help but have some empathy for your kingdom when it comes to dealing with this mercenary problem you have."

"Do you know these mercenaries?"

"I was wronged by them in the past." Ghost answered. "I can't stand them waltzing around and doing whatever they want. So... I'm offering any information I have of these mercenaries in exchange for that I will be given a teacher to help me become a mage."

Ghost had thought about this plan when Wolf was out on her walk. Though it had some risks, she would have the protection of the castle while she learned magic. So if she was found, no one would be able to do much without bringing more attention to themselves.

Zelda simply nodded. "I see. And you, Wolf. What is it that you wanted to ask me?"

Wolf fiddled with her fingers as she conjured up the courage to speak. "Well... I can't offer much since I don't have any skills or memories. But Hyrule has been so kind to me that I want to do something in return. So I want to offer my services as a knight... if I'm allowed to use a sword that is."

There was a moment of silence after. Neither Wolf nor Ghost were sure what to make of it. But the quick answer they received brought both relief and confusion.

"I see. Very well then. You may both have what you're asking."

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