Feudal not so "Fairy" Fairytales: Part 1

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The dim light of the slightly drawn curtains cast the dusty old attic in an amber glow. Particles floated in the air as cobwebs lined the wooden beams that held the structure together.

It was the last place on earth a closet claustrophobe like Y/N wanted to be, but she promised her best friend that she would support him in his time of need. So, here they were in the musty old attic of Kai's childhood home, rummaging through his father's belongings.

His mother had called last week to let him know that she had decided to finally sell the house. Since, he no longer lived there, and hadn't for years, and with the death of his father a few years back, the place was just too big for one person.

She had done it for as long as she could but now, she wanted something smaller.

She advised Kai to go through the attic and take whatever he wanted of his father's and she would put the rest in storage.

The attic was littered with old books and articles dating back to the 50's. Old ink wells, empty pens, and several dusty broken typewriters, were strewn about haphazardly.

In life, Kai's father had been an author. He wrote several series of children's' stories based off old Korean fairytales. Even winning a couple awards back in the 90's.

If it weren't for all the dust, possible mold, obvious spider laden webs of Y/N's worst fear, and stale air that reeked of years of neglect, Y/N would have found the attic charming and quite intriguing.

However, she did not.

Instead, she found it to be a pain in her ass and a nemesis of her sinus'. Doing her best to put on a brave front, she helped look through an old chest that had seen better days. It bore faded hangul characters that she didn't recognize along its dry rotted mahogany wood.

Fascinated, she ran her fingers delicately across the front, tracing each hangul. A loud clank like an old rusted lock being turned sounded throughout the attic catching both Kai's and Y/N's attention. Looking down, they saw that the wooden chest had opened.

"Should we see what's inside?" asked Kai nervously as he inched closer to Y/N.

"What is this we?" Shot back Y/N jokingly. "This is your daddy's stuff. I'm just here to spectate."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Kai shrugged and reached into the chest.

"It's a storybook." Smiled Kai as he held it up for Y/N to see. Bound in beautiful purples and rich golds, it was delicately hand stitched and obviously older than the both of them. Etched in gold, the title glimmered under the dim light.

"Children and household tales." Kai recited in awe. Running his fingers over the top of the book, he opened it up to the first page. A handwritten message greeted his eyes.

Smiling softly, he read the words aloud. "Imagination is the golden pathway to other worlds and worlds of fun. Two must play and complete the tasks of each yarn. Grimm are the nature of these happy fables. Entry, is but these written words; to exit, however, you'll have to earn."

All around them the attic began to flicker and fade, as the book's pages began to turn on their own.

"Kai! What the fuck did you do?" Screamed Y/N over the roar of wind that seemed to come from everywhere around them.

Yet, before he could answer, they were swept away by an odd-looking paper tornado; that resembled something doodle bob from that SpongeBob episode would have drawn and they were dragged into the pages of the book.

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