The concept of Chakras and Kundalini are found in early Sanskrit texts especially in the Tantric Texts.
The Word "Chakra" means a Wheel.
Chakras are the main energy points in our body. These points, when "Stimulated" or "Activated" can boost our spiritual powers to a much greater state.There are 7 Major Chakras in our body. These are :-
Muladhar (Root Chakra)
Swadhisthan (Sacral Chakra)
Manipur(Solar Plexus Chakra)
Anahata(Heart Chakra)
Vishudhhi(Throat Chakra)
Ajna/Agya(THIRD EYE)
Sahasrasar(Crown Chakra)
The Do s and Don't s Of Chakra And Kundalini
SpiritualThe Chakras are energy centres located inside the human body that when stimulated properly can bestow immense spiritual and physical benefits. However, there is a mistake that most people make while working with the Chakras. Find out more.