Some Things to know

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At this point you might be thinking what is so serious that I am about to say.

Well it is kind of serious.

In recent times, especially now during this Corona Virus Outbreak, I came across a bunch of posts asking for spells to open up the THIRD EYE or MANTRAS to open the Chakras.

Wanting to Open the Chakras is not bad. But you need to understand that activating these energy points is no child's play. People have spent ages trying to open them and while some of them have successfully activated them, most had to bear the consequences.

To open up the Chakras you have to find a Guru who has worked with this energy fields and knows about them Then you have start slowly from the base/ Root.

The problem arises when people say that they only want the THIRD EYE open and nothing else.



The THIRD EYE is associated with the Gods and Goddesses. It is the controler of psychic abilities and much more. When activated, it grants the practitioner immense spiritual power. But if it goes wrong, it can also lead to death. Or worse, it might grant you a long life with physical defects throughout your body.

I have tried to explain this to many people but sadly they just don't want to listen. They often say that Indians don't know anything about the Chakras which is offensive and funny at the same time considering the fact that the concept of Chakras is based in India.
I just want you all to know that if you want to practise Chakra Balancing then practise it in the correct way. Don't trust a random stranger who says that he/she has performed a spell and now his/her THIRD EYE is open.
Think of this as taking medical advise from someone who just read an article on a particular drug and has no medical background. You don't wanna harm yourself when you are practising spiritual activities.

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